December 4-6 the B-17 “Aluminum Overcast” is visiting. The past three years that I know of the LSFM has been bringing either the “909” or the “Thunderbird.” The EAA has this one, so it will be cool to see something different. 8)
Does anyone know when it is leaving, I think KCRP?
Keep an eye on this…
OK, thanks. It landed at 1:39PM. Me and my brother were at the table doin school( ) and I stopped and said, “RADIALS!” And we ran out on the back porch and there she was…
I went to see it today (Sunday) It is always cool to see them planes! Oh, and I watched a C750 takeoff also. There was hardly anything flying today… IFR, overcast at 800.
You can see a story I shot recently aboard Aluminum Overcast here-
Wow. Thanks for posting.
very nice piece…thanks for sharing it with us.
Just thought I might say that it has been IMC here since Sunday afternoon. Aluminum Overcast was supposed to leave Monday at 9:00AM, but as far as I know she’s still sitting there…