I visited the B-17 (N5017N) here in Springfield this week, but find no flight data of it’s coming or going?
Any thoughts why?
I visited the B-17 (N5017N) here in Springfield this week, but find no flight data of it’s coming or going?
Any thoughts why?
Probably flown VFR.
I didn’t realize that Aluminum Overcast was up and flying again. It was down for 19 months being repaired following a gear failure at Van Nuys. It was visible on display last year at Oshkosh, but they were using “Fuddy Duddy” on loan from the National Warbirds Museum in Elmira, NY for the flights.
http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f177/cfijames/B17TakeoffOshkoshJHM01.jpg me
Aluminum Overcast came through RVS on its way to Van Nuys. Beautiful bird. It was especially fun watching the guy who was on the tee box at the south end of RWY 19R totally whiff the ball as she took off to head to Santa Fe (I think it was there, or it was Albacracky). I noticed that her IFR flights had disappeared for a while once she got to Boeing field. Did the gear issue happen this year in Van Nuys or was it in the past?
It was almost 2 years ago…hence the 19 month repair.
I figured that much. Just making sure you hadn’t hit a time warp. The other day, I was talking to a guy I work with about the Reno Air Races and I said that it was like 10 years ago that was the last time that “Georgia Mae” and “Jeannie, too” raced. I was way off. It was in 88. Man, I stopped and said to myself, “SELF!! (Emeril reference)” Man where has time gone???
It happened in May 2004. http://americanhelicoptermag.com/p/pages/photospages/b17/b17belly.jpg
Ouch…that’s gonna leave a mark!