aviation aircraft photo's on FLIGHTAWARE

I have noticed some flightaware members like posting photo’s up of real good looking aircraft in different locations. I also found many have water marks copyright which the photographer owns these photo’s why in Gods name do people put these photo’s up on Flightaware claiming there there photo’s. Why not ask the owner of the photo first if you can publish it in the photo gallery of flightaware. :imp: I don’t find it amusing that people do this knowing full well they did not take this photo or own it. I hope FLIGHTAWARE members report this problem to the Flightaware team when this happens. Some people don’t know how hard it is to go out of there way to get that once in a life time photo of a particular aircraft at that time date, day, or night shot. Can anyone suggest answers for this.

You are able to report these issues using the “Report This Photo” link on any photo page.