Any interesting trends from Covid-19

Can someone compare the message rates between RTL-SDR receivers and Airspy before and after the lock-down? This could highlight some interesting info regarding the algos and the traffic.

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Feel free: ← Airspy ← RTL-SDR ← Airspy ← RTL-SDR

Both located here, one outside, one inside.

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The reduction in traffic affected the receivers in the same way. If you calculate R for both receivers, you can get about the same figures.

R = total_messages(March 18 to March 24) / total_messages(March 11 to March 17)

This is interesting, given the algos are completely different.

I think that’s a good thing.

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My 978 Feeder does that every night already, and on bad-weather days most of the day, too:

978 Histogram Hourly 25 March 2020

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978 is a little different.

I thought today would be my first day with under 1,000 aircraft but I’m not quite there yet because there was some tropo earlier. I’m pretty confident it’ll be tomorrow.

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This is my last 30 days near DC.

@bramjacobse - you have some very cool scripts and plotting tools … I’m wanna try to figure out how to make my site do all that.

Oh this is pretty!

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A question for somebody at FA Staff … as of midnight tonight (GMT +2), our airspace is being shut down for 21 days. Obviously with that there will be NO air traffic in our area. With no traffic, no messages will be sent to your servers. Will this affect our “connection” and end my “uninterrupted streak” 770 days ? I ask because I can recall some time back (before I changed the notification period) that if no messages were sent for a few hours, I received an email saying I was off-line, even though I was on-line, but just had no traffic.


Just to add some light hearted entertainment, this had me genuinely laughing out loud.


The weather is nice, so there a quite a few GA aircraft out and about each day here, close to DUS airport in Germany, but only a few passenger planes going to other destinations rather than DUS.

The only other planes are Air Mobility Command flights from and to Ramstein, a few cargo planes, the odd police or rescue helictoper and from time to time a business charter with hidden registration.

Its brilliant and contains the message.



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Yepp, my receiver is covering the Ramstein aera and on some times of the day the traffic from there made 50% of total numbers.

CYYZ (Toronto, Pearson International)

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obviously bottom level not yet reached, still a downtrend.
35 miles west of Frankfurt International EDDF


My aircraft numbers were fractionally up yesterday but message count still heading downwards.

When I say fractionally up, it was 0.18% up, 1091 aircraft compared to 1089 the day before.

Message count was 5% down.

It’s too early to make any predictions for today.

I’m way down
I’m between Glasgow and Edinburgh airports…

Hi Keithma, Did you change the Gain and the Airspy -e option
Any measurable differents…?

I had a go…didn’t see any big changes

Regards Bram