Any interesting trends from Covid-19

India has just announced stopping all civilian air traffic. Over the past few days only domestic traffic was permitted and starting Wednesday 0000 IST, this will be halted too.

seem to be that it’s getting very quiet up in the air.
The US will have to do the same

This is my UAT traffic for the last 30 days; pretty much cut in half on activity (the blue line). Usually, it has a good number of TISB tracks, and those are down a lot also (the orangey spikes).


The decrease is clearly hitting Seattle area airports now. 3/23/20 is the full 24-hour UTC time day’s airplane count (on my station).

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My main receiver, last 30 days:

Normal volume is approx. 400.000 to 450.000 Positions/day

Today three wide bodiesfrom United Airlines arrived in Frankfurt just within 10 Minute distance.

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Today in Mauritius we have just one arrival and three departures which is following the trend in the world it seems in getting citizens back to their own countries as much as possibile. I am limited today in tracking 3 LOON balloons to the south of the island so there is still some work for us data providers


Yes, same here. Germany is currently operating several aircraft from Lufthansa and Condor to bring citizens back. Since last week there were approx 120.000 but this number is getting down now.

yes one of the departures from mauritius today is a Condor flight to Frankfurt

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Four C-130 around Ramstein AFB

This makes 15% of the whole traffic in my area at the moment


not sure if they understand “social distancing” :slight_smile: :slight_smile:



It’s oddly quiet here now. The absence of the continuous background sound from aircraft is really noticeable. Last time it was like this was when the Iceland volcano closed UK airspace for a while.

There’s very few arrivals to Heathrow which is the main source of traffic over my house, only some departures:

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tracking U2


I’m seeing quite a lot of business jet flights today. I don’t know if they are increased in volume, or just more obvious because of the reduced commercial activity, but Biggin Hill and Farnborough both seem quite busy.

Traffic count is down by about 1/3 in the past week and steadily declining.
An interesting impact on distance stats is the ratio of distant messages to those within 80 miles has increased considerably. Here’s today’s histogram.

A fortnight ago it typically looked like this

I’m about 60-65% down on aircraft now to how I’d expect it this time of year.

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current view on my receiver.
There are only three (!!) aircraft shown, where we have normally 60-80 at this time of the day.


I wonder how long it’ll be before we start getting these on our overnight hourly received reports graphs, not because we’re offline but simply because there are periods with no traffic.

I’d imagine some people are seeing this already.

Screenshot 2020-03-25 at 10.18.42

Fun fact:

currently there are 16 aircraft up in the air. six of them are F16 exercising around Ramstein AFB. That’s more than 20% of the total traffic.