Any interesting trends from Covid-19

That’s what a good discussion board is for, even if it’s not related to the topic :wink:

In Germany the day is not everywhere a holiday. That leads to the fact that many people are going from one country state to another for shopping.

Here in North Carolina - and in a lot of other places, I suspect - the geese live here year-round, but every fall they do what I call a “faux migration”. They fly from one pond to another one close by, then return to their “home pond”. They’ll do this day after day for about a month.


Yesterday was the first day since mid of July my device recorded less than 2.000 aircraft per day.
The trend follows the 2019 path

UK flights to the US start next Monday, I think we’re going to see a fair increase.

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Same for flights from Germany, so they all pass your receivers :slight_smile:

LOL @@@@@@@ foxhunter

You should complain! I saw 100 planes last Thursday which was a new record for me. Usually it’s somewhere in the 80s. There just aren’t that many flights around here even though the country’s open for limited tourism again. It’s just not a huge transportation hub, more of a backwater, and people still aren’t traveling for pleasure nearly as much as they used to.

No worries, there are other things i would complain about :wink:

Last 30 days

Oh yes, that’ll make things more interesting. I didn’t think of that.

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Ooooo, cake day! :cake:


And you have a perfect record! Longest Streak: 1827 days (11/4/2016 - Now) :smiley:


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Eurocontrol confirms it.

The volume (light blue line) is doing down, but the percentage compared to 2019 is going up (red line)

Traffic from Europe to the US started.

Frankfurt only will have 19 additional direct flights to a US destination

Seem to be a busy monday today:

Not that much impact on your end, or? That’s your aircraft counter:

It’s up a bit but not as much as I thought it would be.

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guessing they have lot of flights going already. I seem them locally everyday coming in from FR A and MUC here in California. Same frequencies as before Covid. Just fewer outbound flights from the US on United to FRA.

Yes, flights never really stopped 100%
There were several LH flights arriving from the US, so they should have been there already.

It requires to be vaccinated including a test. Just the test alone does not allow it.
However the airlines reported full flights for the next couple of weeks

Just a little peak today in my stats:

First minute is quite cool to watch, simultaneous takeoffs from 27L and 27R, a pair of A350-1000s heading from LHR to JFK.

I haven’t looked to see who arrived first (BA1 or VS3).

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Having two aircraft departing side by side is a breaking news? :roll_eyes:

Yesterday was in total a “normal” monday on my device. Nothing spectacular, a little lower than the mondays in peak months during summer

BA1 = 11:00
VS3 = 10:51

The first flights to the USA for over 600 days, two identical aircraft taking off at the same time going to the same location. Yeah, it was pretty big news. I don’t think I’ve ever seen two taking off like that from LHR before.

Maybe my expectation of “breaking news” is somewhat different :wink: