Announcing PiAware 3.8.1!

Piaware installation

On a spare microSD card install piaware as per QuickStart Guide linked below.
Follow steps 1 to 4 only and disregard rest of steps.

Howto : Piaware SD card image 3.8.0 Quickstart Guide

FR24 installation

1 - Retrieve your existing fr24 key

Go to page and login to your account
After login, go to your stats page. On stats page you will find your fr24 key. Copy the key and paste in Notepad and save the Notepad.
See screenshots below.

Screenshot 1 of 2


Screenshot 2 of 2


Install fr24feed

Give following command

sudo bash -c "$(wget -O -"   

The above command will run installation for some time, then automatically start signup process. The signup process will halt and ask for email address.

Case 1:
If you do not have a fr24 sharing key, or want a brand new key, continue inputting your email and other details. A new key will be generated and saved in file /etc/fr24feed.ini. FR24 will also send this key to you by email for your records.

Case 2:
If you already have a key, then do not enter any details. Instead break the siugnup process by pressing Ctrl and C keys together. This will result in display of ^C and command prompt "pi@piaware:~ $". Please see screenshot below.

Configure FR24

Give following command

sudo nano /etc/fr24feed.ini


Above command will open the config file. It will have following text



(1) Delete all above lines by:

  • bring cursor to the top line
  • keep pressed Ctrl key and repeatedly press K key till the file becomes blank.

(2) Copy paste following in this file (replace "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" by the key you have copied from your stats page).



(3) Save file (Ctrl+o) and Close (Ctrl+x).

(4) Restart FR24 feeder

sudo systemctl restart fr24feed

(5) Check status:


[ ok ] FR24 Feeder/Decoder Process: running.
[ ok ] FR24 Stats Timestamp: 2020-03-14 06:15:24.
[ ok ] FR24 Link: connected [UDP].
[ ok ] FR24 Radar: T-CYYZ9.
[ ok ] FR24 Tracked AC: 1.
[ ok ] Receiver: connected (4 MSGS/0 SYNC).
[ ok ] FR24 MLAT: ok [UDP].
[ ok ] FR24 MLAT AC seen: 1.


(6) Check status in browser on following address:

And that is all, enjoy!



If you want a new key at any time after installation, you can signup again by following command. Complete signup and obtain a new key, which will automatically be saved in config file /etc/fr24feed.ini as well as sent to you by email.

sudo fr24feed --signup


Never use FR24 setting receiver="dvbt".
This setting will install dump1090-mutability ver 1.14, which will conflict/compete for dongle with dump1090-fa, and result in a mess