Aircraft Type Bug?

I read the FAQs on this, and it suggested a post here for the techs at FlightAware.

We had a 1976 Piper Lance, PA-32R-300, N6940F. The description of that plane shows up as a Piper Saratoga.

We now have a 2000 Piper Saratoga, PA-32R-301, N329HP. The description of that plane shows up as a Piper Lance.

It appears the wrong names are assigned to the wrong types.

Thanks for this great product!!!

We just display it how the pilot, FSS, or ATC files it. PA32 will be displayed as Saratoga and P32R will be displayed as Lance.

Looking at the Activity Log for both aircraft, both have been filed correctly and incorrectly. One of them was even filed as an Arrow (P28R) most recently.