Airbus vs Boeing

Airbus ha logrado pedidos para la fabricación de 892 aviones, excluidas 40 cancelaciones, frente a los 760 pedidos netos de su rival Boeing, que sufrió 107 anulaciones hasta julio, según la información aportada por ambos fabricantes :o

Check you spelling! Almost every word is misspelled!

Seriously, try posting in English, the language of aviation, so everyone can understand. Thank you.

Thanks to Google Translate:
Airbus achieved manufacturing orders for 892 aircraft, excluding 40 cancellations, compared to 760 net orders of rival Boeing, which suffered 107 cancellations until July, according to information provided by both manufacturers: o

So what?
My question is, what is your question?
Mi pregunta es, ¿cuál es tu pregunta?