Just an aviation enthusiast, Non pilot. The plane is flat out cool Like when you 3 years old, Go…go…go!
in the presence of a B727 United Cap at the Museum Science industry, Chicago (name and rank I’ll give later). My question is there a difference between a Boeing pilot and Airbus?
A Boeing pilot, an Airbus pilot, and a 172 pilot walked into a bar…
A Boeing pilot, an Airbus pilot, and a 172 pilot walked into a bar…
And the bartender said,
“What is this? A joke?”
James, do you have my email address? I would love to get that cartoon and put in in my office. We have an audit by Boeing this week and anything to bring the mood up when they come drill me would help.
I have the 787 vs. 350 cartoon (the “Buy Boeing & Save! vs Buy & Save Airbus” one) up already and our compliance director loves it.
It’s on the way Mike, but I notice I don’t have your new work email addy.
You can right click on the image and save it on your own computer for further processing.
That will only get you the image in the size posted. Sometimes the original is a much larger image.