I know some mode A/C transponders put out 200W in little 2 seat helicopters.
It could also be antenna placement.
If I had the money for a nice twin, I would want both for safety and for the weather.
I found the power levels for UAT transmitters. It depends:
LE: Now I am watching a Cirrus Vision SF50 flying at 28,000 ft. This one has ADS-B out and UAT, but same discrepancy in ranges.
Distance between UAT and ADSB might not just be because of the power level.
The RTL dongles (including the prostick) can barely decode UAT signals (software and hardware differences). There is also a difference in antenna, cables, etc that need to be taken into account.
There is still a lot of work need to get UAT up to similar performance of ADSB systems.
I now tried to install Piaware on my Ubuntu 18,04 (bionic) x64_86, using exactly the same method as I posted above, but I got stuck at:
./sensible-build.sh: line 106: dch: command not found
Incidentally, today morning I have installed Piaware on Debian 9.5 (stretch) x64_86, using exactly same method, except that I replaced bionic
by stretch
at 2 code lines. It worked smoothly and successfully installed Piaware 3.6.2.
#Installed package which contains dch tool
sudo apt-get install devscripts
#Restarted installation
cd ~/build-piaware/piaware_builder
sudo ./sensible-build.sh bionic
cd package-bionic
sudo dpkg-buildpackage -b
#Ignore this error message:
#dpkg-buildpackage: error: failed to sign .buildinfo file
cd ../
sudo dpkg -i piaware_*.deb
sudo apt-get install -y devscripts
to the above “How To” post
abcd@ubuntu-vm:~$ sudo systemctl status piaware -l
● piaware.service - FlightAware ADS-B uploader
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/piaware.service; enabled; vendor preset:
Active: active (running) since Wed 2018-08-29 13:57:33 EDT; 25s ago
Docs: https://flightaware.com/adsb/piaware/
Main PID: 2354 (piaware)
Tasks: 3 (limit: 2322)
CGroup: /system.slice/piaware.service
├─2354 /usr/bin/piaware -p /run/piaware/piaware.pid -plainlog -status
└─2370 /usr/lib/piaware/helpers/faup1090 --net-bo-ipaddr localhost --
Aug 29 13:57:37 ubuntu-vm piaware[2354]: my feeder ID is 004ed73c-d408-4ae
Aug 29 13:57:37 ubuntu-vm piaware[2354]: site statistics URL: https://flightawar
Aug 29 13:57:37 ubuntu-vm sudo[2368]: piaware : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root
Aug 29 13:57:37 ubuntu-vm sudo[2368]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for
Aug 29 13:57:37 ubuntu-vm sudo[2368]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for
Aug 29 13:57:37 ubuntu-vm piaware[2354]: ADS-B data program 'dump1090-fa' is lis
Aug 29 13:57:37 ubuntu-vm piaware[2354]: Starting faup1090: /usr/lib/piaware/hel
Aug 29 13:57:37 ubuntu-vm piaware[2354]: Started faup1090 (pid 2370) to connect
Aug 29 13:57:37 ubuntu-vm piaware[2354]: piaware received a message from dump109
Aug 29 13:57:41 ubuntu-vm piaware[2354]: piaware has successfully sent several m
You are still using Adsb-receiver project scripts whcih is forcing jessie install and failing. Please see below. If you keep on using adsb-receiver script, you will keep on failing.
Exit from the adsb-receiver directory, and follow these steps
# (1) Install missing package devscripts
sudo apt-get install -y devscripts
#(2) Exit from adsb-receiver directory to home directory
cd ~/
# (3) Create a new directory
sudo mkdir ~/build-piaware
# (4) Move into new directory
cd ~/build-piaware
# (5) Clone source Code into new directory
sudo git clone https://github.com/flightaware/piaware_builder.git
# (6) Move into cloned directory
cd ~/build-piaware/piaware_builder
# (7) Run the script
sudo ./sensible-build.sh bionic
# (8) Move into bionic directory
cd package-bionic
# (9) Build the Piaware package
sudo dpkg-buildpackage -b
# (10) Move back to directory piaware_builder
cd ~/build-piaware/piaware_builder
# (11) Install Piaware
sudo dpkg -i piaware_*.deb
Modifications in adsb-receiver project script to fix broken install of PIAWARE
Tested on Ubuntu 18.04, works OK.
(1) Open file piaware.sh
for editing.
sudo nano ~/adsb-receiver/bash/feeders/piaware.sh
(2) Press Ctrl+w keys, type CheckPackage
, press Enter Key.
The cursor will jump to following line:
CheckPackage build-essential
Above this line add following line
CheckPackage devscripts
After this mod, the code will become like this
CheckPackage devscripts
CheckPackage build-essential
CheckPackage debhelper
(3) Press Ctrl+w keys, type jessie
, and press Enter Key.
The cursor will jump to following line:
./sensible-build.sh jessie
Comment-out above line, and add following 2 new line below it
read VERSION_NAME < <(lsb_release -sc)
./sensible-build.sh ${VERSION_NAME}
After this modification, the code will become like below
# ./sensible-build.sh jessie
read VERSION_NAME < <(lsb_release -sc)
./sensible-build.sh ${VERSION_NAME}
(4) Press Ctrl+w keys, type package-jessie
, press Enter Key.
The cursor will jump to following line:
cd ${RECEIVER_BUILD_DIRECTORY}/piaware_builder/package-jessie 2>&1
Comment out this line and add following new line below it
cd ${RECEIVER_BUILD_DIRECTORY}/piaware_builder/package-${VERSION_NAME} 2>&1
After this modification, the code will become like below
# cd ${RECEIVER_BUILD_DIRECTORY}/piaware_builder/package-jessie 2>&1
cd ${RECEIVER_BUILD_DIRECTORY}/piaware_builder/package-${VERSION_NAME} 2>&1
(4) Save changes (Ctrl+o) and Close file (Ctrl+x)
(5) Run the script
cd ~/adsb-receiver
Now posted above fix at github
I’m guessing that Joe would appreciate this as a PR
Haha, passive-aggressive?
PS: What I like on this forum is that none is getting upset if we mention “other” alternatives, even direct competitors. That’s smart.
Thanks for the advise. I will try to post it as Pull Request also.
I rarely use GitHub and have never done a Pull Request. I am not sure what are its benefit over posting as an issue. I felt it easier to post it as an issue.
@abcd567 You sure are skilled enough to be part of the developers team.
Workaround for installation of version 3.6.3
- dump1090-fa
- piaware
Tested on Debian 9.5 x64 on Intel PC
sudo nano ~/adsb-receiver/bash/decoders/dump1090-fa.sh
Ctrl+w, then type CheckPackage
Cursor will jump to following code
CheckPackage git
CheckPackage curl
Above this code, ADD following line:
CheckPackage libbladerf-dev
sudo nano ~/adsb-receiver/bash/variables.sh
Scroll down till you see this code
# FlightAware PiAware
Change 3.5.3 to 3.6.3 in both lines
sudo nano ~/adsb-receiver/bash/feeders/piaware.sh
3.1 - Ctrl+w keys, type CheckPackage
The cursor will jump to following code
CheckPackage build-essential
CheckPackage debhelper
Above this code ADD following line
CheckPackage devscripts
3.2 - Press Ctrl+w keys, type jessie
The cursor will jump to following line:
./sensible-build.sh jessie
Comment-out above line (by adding # at its start), and add following 2 new line below it.
CODENAME=(`lsb_release -sc`)
./sensible-build.sh ${CODENAME}
3.3 - Press Ctrl+w keys, type package-jessie
The cursor will jump to following line:
cd ${RECEIVER_BUILD_DIRECTORY}/piaware_builder/package-jessie 2>&1
Comment out this line (by adding # at its start), and add following new line below it
cd ${RECEIVER_BUILD_DIRECTORY}/piaware_builder/package-${CODENAME} 2>&1
3.4 - Run the script
cd adsb-receiver
With the new update of piaware and dump1090-fa to version 3.6.3, the adsbreceiver map doesn’t show the details when I click on the planes.
CTRL-F5 and you are looking on the right where the plane list normally is?
If the list is currently not displayed you can click the small latch in the top right to display it.
Or use the mouse over.
Forced refresh did it! I forgot about it, thanks!
Additional workaround for installation of version 3.6.3 on Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic) x64 on Intel PC
The workaround in my above post (click here) was tested on Debian 9.5 (Stretch) x64 on Intel PC, and after workaround, the script successfully installed both dump1090-fa ver 3.6.3 and piaware ver 3.6.3.
However when I tried to install dump1090-fa and piaware 3.6.3 on Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic) x64 on Intel PC, the script presented option only for dump1090-mutability, and option for dump1090-fa was missing.
I had to do following additional workaround to make the script present option for dump1090-fa also.
3.4 - Remove restriction which prevents installation of of dump1090-fa on Ubuntu ver 17.10 or higher
sudo nano ~/adsb-receiver/bash/main.sh
Ctrl+w and type Ubuntu 17.10
and press Enter
the cursor will jump to top line of following chunk of code
# Do not show dump 1090-fa option for Ubuntu 17.10 or higher until it is updated to support it.
if [ ! "$RECEIVER_OS_DISTRIBUTION" == "ubuntu" ] && (( $(bc -l <<<"$RECEIVER_OS_RELEASE < 17.10") )); then
DUMP1090_OPTION=$(whiptail --nocancel --backtitle "${RECEIVER_PROJECT_TITLE}" --title "Choose Dump1090 Version To Install" --$
DUMP1090_OPTION=$(whiptail --nocancel --backtitle "${RECEIVER_PROJECT_TITLE}" --title "Choose Dump1090 Version To Install" --$
In this 5-line chunk of code, comment out 4 lines and leave only 1 line un-commented, as shown below
# Do not show dump 1090-fa option for Ubuntu 17.10 or higher until it is updated to support it.
#if [ ! "$RECEIVER_OS_DISTRIBUTION" == "ubuntu" ] && (( $(bc -l <<<"$RECEIVER_OS_RELEASE < 17.10") )); then
DUMP1090_OPTION=$(whiptail --nocancel --backtitle "${RECEIVER_PROJECT_TITLE}" --title "Choose Dump1090 Version To Install" --$
# DUMP1090_OPTION=$(whiptail --nocancel --backtitle "${RECEIVER_PROJECT_TITLE}" --title "Choose Dump1090 Version To Install" -$
3.5 - Run the script
cd adsb-receiver
Screenshot 1 of 2 - Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic) x64
dump1090-fa 3.63 + Piaware 3.6.3
Screenshot 2 of 2 - Debian 9.5 (Stretch) x64
dump1090-fa 3.63 + Piaware 3.6.3
Thank you very much for your efforts in getting the scripts to work with Stretch.
Decided it was time to update Piaware to the most recent version and found that you had done all the hard work .
Worked first time on Armbian 5.65 (Stretch) on an OrangePi PC.
Joe’s scripts are the easy way to get Piaware on non-standard hardware so pleased they still work.
the update will overwrite the whole html directory and changes to it will be lost.
by the way you are kinda on the wrong thread since this is about another script not about the gain changing script.