ADS-B Receiver Project Setup Scripts

Workaround for installation of version 3.6.3

  • dump1090-fa
  • piaware

Tested on Debian 9.5 x64 on Intel PC


sudo nano ~/adsb-receiver/bash/decoders/

Ctrl+w, then type CheckPackage
Cursor will jump to following code

CheckPackage git
CheckPackage curl

Above this code, ADD following line:

CheckPackage libbladerf-dev 


sudo nano ~/adsb-receiver/bash/

Scroll down till you see this code

# FlightAware PiAware

Change 3.5.3 to 3.6.3 in both lines


sudo nano ~/adsb-receiver/bash/feeders/

3.1 - Ctrl+w keys, type CheckPackage
The cursor will jump to following code

CheckPackage build-essential 
CheckPackage debhelper 

Above this code ADD following line

CheckPackage devscripts 

3.2 - Press Ctrl+w keys, type jessie
The cursor will jump to following line:

./ jessie

Comment-out above line (by adding # at its start), and add following 2 new line below it.

CODENAME=(`lsb_release -sc`)

3.3 - Press Ctrl+w keys, type package-jessie
The cursor will jump to following line:

cd ${RECEIVER_BUILD_DIRECTORY}/piaware_builder/package-jessie 2>&1 

Comment out this line (by adding # at its start), and add following new line below it

cd ${RECEIVER_BUILD_DIRECTORY}/piaware_builder/package-${CODENAME} 2>&1 

3.4 - Run the script

cd adsb-receiver