one seasons paycheck on a gulfstream, dont care if he owns a fricking airline not flying or buying anything he owns. needs to go win a championship. hate the arod.
wow he cant afford a brand new 0 hour 09 G550?ahhh dont feel sorry for him. I know I am going to make some yankees fan mad but he is over paid under performer, yea i rant about sports heroes on an aviation website, i am loco!!!
Rather than repetitively quoting and answering the same post again and again as your thoughts change, you can click on Edit in any of your posts for a lengthy period of time, add your additional thoughts and then hit submit again.
Does he actually operate/use that aircraft? Unless it flies under another callsign, what you see of him in the media and the aircraft’s limited movement don’t seem to match. The G-II is now N139CF and doesn’t seem to match either.
OK ill work on that, i just started doing this dicsussion thing the other day and i appreciate the old timers and the info they give us newbies thanks again JHEM.
his registration # should read N iget paid too much and dont do enough no championship ring ever.I know it would take up the whole side of his fleet of aircraft but i dont care!!!