978 & 1090 using RaspianOS Lite 64

Still trying to get dual frequencies set up. Thought I’d try using Putty and a Raspian Lite 64 on a Pi4B.

In an sd image I would just configure the dongle serial in the PiAware-config-txt file, but when using SSH to log into the Pi, I get an error.
warning: cannot set option ‘rtlsdr-device-index’, option only supported on PiAware or FlightFeeder SD card images. So how do I specify the serialized UAT and ADS-B serial numbers if not using the FA SD Card image?

The Dongles are serialized, and rtl_test identifies them correctly, but I can’t get the 00001978 Uat dongle to attach to dump 978 and the 00031090 to do like wise to Dump1090. When I look at the flightaware feeder page, it doesn’t show 978 is loaded. Am I missing a step somewhere or is the inability to bind resulting in the 978 not displaying?

sudo nano /etc/default/dump978-fa

RECEIVER_OPTIONS=“–sdr driver=rtlsdr serial=00001978 --sdr-gain 32.8 --format CS8”

(That gain works for me, it might not be best for you)

sudo nano /etc/default/dump1090-fa


Also suggest installing piaware-web (sudo apt install piaware-web) which will give you the status page that’s on the piaware SD card image.

Also suggest installing graphs1090 GitHub - wiedehopf/graphs1090: Graphs for readsb / dump1090-fa / dump1090 (based on dump1090-tools by mutability)

Thanks so much! This was very helpful.

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