2010-02-28 KLM757 Last Minute Track Change

Oho, again KLM757 is ‘behaving’ weird: Today’s flight was planned as follows:

GORLO UL980 REFSO UL980 LAM UL179 CPT UL9 STU UL175 BANBA ADARA 5100N 02000W 5000N 03000W 4700N 04000W 4400N 04500W 4100N 05000W 3500N 05500W AYTTE TARMO M597 KEEKA MELLA UM525 TBG V4 TUM

i.e. the quite normal route passing Bermuda and reaching target region at AYTTE.

However, actually they are just flying over the U.S.: 2010-02-28 KLM757 Last Minute Track Change

You like this flight don’t you? lol
I have no explanation why the track does not resemble the flight plan. A last minute route change due to heavy North Atlantic traffic or weather closing one of the tracks unexpectedly would cause a re-route but this one is WAY different.

Probably got a warning from Scully and Mulder to avoid a certain triangular area around Bermuda.

I like the PMDG MD11 very much, so I look for real tracks of MD11s. :smiley:

We will probably never know why the track and flight plan are so far apart. :confused:

Would KLM answer a question like that? Or is it too suspicious? … embarrassing? … what ever?

Probably not. The only people that would know about it would be the cockpit crew and possibly the dispatcher working that flight on that day.

Wasn’t there some massive storm or something on the Western part of France and Spain on the 28th? Wasn’t paying attention very closely, but I thought I heard something about a storm and some damage to Western France.

IF, and that is a big IF, that storm was there at the time, that MIGHT be a reason.

That storm would have had an effect on how the tracks were built that day, no doubt. But the difference in pecker’s flight was more than just that storm. In my opinion anyway.

What about routing around that storm and the remnants of the “Snowicane” that hit the East Coast? Would that be a possibility?

Sure, the tracks are built with winds aloft, storms and severe turbulence in mind. Having lots of aircraft asking for deviations around unforecast thunderstorms or turbulence mid-pond reeks havoc on the ATC system. The planners try to avoid that from the get go.

However that may have been what happened here. The flight got pushed so far north (2 or 3 degrees) due to other diversions that it was worth staying north then “diving” south during the last half of the trip in order to have a better wind for the last 4 or 5 hours.

Yep, we had and have this massive storm ‘Xynthia’ over here in Europe.

You are right: Having left the storm behind there should have been a route still leaving Bermuda on the right hand side (West).

The route so far West and then more or less due South takes about 5400nm, while the great circle takes about 4800nm.

Well, are pilots allowed to leave the NATs e.g. to the South?
I think once entered, you might have to fly a track to its end, and this of course delivers you over Canada and the U.S.

Technically you can file any route you want to, but with the NAT tracks normally being full it would be hard to leave unless the flight was already on the southern most track. It looks like they may have been rerouted to a more northern track which meant, as you say, they ended up over Canada. At that point staying more westerly then heading south may have been due to better winds.