At least we get one big plane at KIND regularly. Looking at todays path,is this to keep it out of the way of normal Atlantic routes? Seems way out of the way.
You must be talking about CLX774, a 744, not 774 (Luxembourt-Indianapolis-Los Angeles). There’s also CLX770 which operates from Luxembourg to Chicago via Indianapolis.
There’s more than “one big plane at KIND regularly.” FedEx operates daily MD11, DC-10, A310, and A300 flights. Tradewinds International operates a daily A300 flight to Aguadilla, Puerto Rico.
For some reason I see this thread going south
Nah, I just need to use English and when he reads it back wrong I repeat the clearance till he complies. 774 IS the flight number; exactly what I said and what they said on approach early this AM. By big I meant 4 engine variety not “heavy” as was wrongly implied in post #2.
Must be that award winning sarcasm that he punctuates every thread with while dodging the questions. I did not go slow enough again.
180 to Runway 14 via Mike and hold short of Mike 2. Give way to the other airplanes I like more than you and check your mags or something while I void your release.
The question is about the routing and why. We might be back on topic until the Crying Confectioner rolls up. Timmmeah!!
I apologize. I thought you meant the aircraft was a 777.
The routing may have been due to the fact that the flight was going westbound and at that time most flights across the Atlantic are eastbound By flying further north it kept it out of the eastbound traffic’s way.
I looked at some other tracks for this flight. It seems to be normal for it to fly north of the tracks.
I might be reading this wrong but is the question why is the track so far north?
If so- it’s because the earth is round, and that is the shortest distance. the map that the track is on is flat and not indicative of the actual path.
His heading never changed but the track on the map will look like he did
There is nothing that says you have to use the tracks. The Cargolux flight planning computer would have picked the most economical route which sometimes looks rather strange. They probably had strong headwinds farther south, trading a couple of hundred extra miles for 50 knots less wind (or whatever it was) is my guess.
If you fly the great circle route that far your heading will change big time but you will be flying a straight line all the way.
John in Saudi
YEAH- or what he said! haha
I couldn’t find it when I was researching but I thought I had read something that said when the tracks were in effect that aircraft flying against the flow had to fly north or south of the tracks. Because the Cargolux flight was flying west and the tracks were set up for east bound I thought this was a reason for the northerly route. I understand that the winds also factor into the flight but, in this case, one of the main reasons for the northerly route was to stay out of the NATS.
Ah yes, if you are flying against the normal flow that would be true. The other choice would be to fly at an altitude above or below the tracks. On a long flight you can normally route north or south of the tracks, which would be preferred anyway due to the winds. If you had the bad luck to fly from, say Shannon to Gander while the tracks were on an east flow you would either have to stay below them or climb above them while still under radar control.
Generally the eastbound tracks run from around St. Johns/ Gander to Ireland while the westbound tracks are north of that line. This varies, but is due to the usual location of the jet stream.
John in Saudi
Oh come on folks, we all know this is part of the Santa fleet that needs to go over North Pole this time of the year for supplies.
Or Santa is taking a checkride.
my reference to going south, or to put it better," breaking bad", is thinking about the last thread that David and IND224 got into.
I was anticipating more banter.
Timmy never showed up…