Your Favorite Airport is__________________?

It’s ok, I was just suprized that you hit every major airport but O’HARE.

Wow, I didn’t expect this much response to my first poll!!! Thank You All!!! 8)

PDX has to be one of the best in the country as far as view… while, when its not raining :smiley: . I would say KCLT my home town, but its not a very nice airport!

Hey ipodguy7,
You’ve come up with some good forum subjects!!! Thanks for your input…we always need new ideas here…keep up the good work!!!
(note: applause goes here)
If you have the time (and it will take a lot of it at this point since FA has become so popular) you should go through as much of the old postings as possible here in the forums…there is a wealth of information in them you may enjoy!

I echo what skyhigh says about finding time to read the old forum postings. Lots of good info in them.

If you don’t have the time, however, and you have a question you want to ask, please do a forum “Search” on the key words of your question. You’ll probably be led directly to the answer to your question. If you need further information, most of us oldsters would prefer that you add a reply (question) to an existing topic than start a new topic that duplicates an existing one.

I’ve flown a lot in the U.S. Some of my favourite airports … SNA (I got my US Instrument Rating there); being a regular in a place like that feels like an accomplishment. SBA, Miegs (landed there once), New Orleans Lakefront. FBOs in the US are generally very good; eventhough it is not the prettiest or the best equipped, my favourite FBO is at MBS in Saginaw, Michigan. Maybe we should try another poll on that point.

In Canada, Toronto Island (actually similar to Miegs); Victoria (scenary is spectacular no matter what direction you are approaching from (rather similar to SBA that way); Boundry Bay(where I learned to fly), the Vancouver area has excellent reliever airports; and my current home field, CYSN (Niagara District), 5 minutes from the Niagara Falls scenic circuit.

Washington National was always fun. I loved doing the river approach.

Cleveland International…home of the Continental ERJ’s. Home airport.

rjstaib, I completly forgot about DCA! in fact I just got back from the best trip I’d taken to DC on an 8th Grade Trip seeing the planes flying over the Lincoln Memorial was stunning!!! :laughing: Sadly though, we had to fly out of/in to BWI! :cry:

I would have to say SLC because its my hometown and the mountains are awesome.

There’s no place like home!.

BION, TEB also has a warm spot in my heart because it’s where I earned my wings more years ago than I care to remember. All I’ll admit to is that it involved a CAP owned PT-17 and we used to tie down next to Arthur Godfrey’s DC-3. :wink:



Honestly, My home airport of KBUF is the best in my personal opinion! There are a bunch of great places to go PlaneSpotting. And honestly, I love it!

I love KBDL, KORD, KJFK, KMSN, KRUT, and Queen Alia International Airport in Amman, Jordan.