Youngstown, OH

YNG (Youngstown, OH) never has any flights listed. Could there be bug with the data?. They don’t have any commercial flights, but there are “air-taxi’s” and general avaiation traffic.


DBAKER or anyone from FLIGHT AWARE,

The problem with “YNG” is that instead of the airport being shown as KYNG the data somehow changes the the airort indentifier to “CYNG” and that is why no airport information is being shown I believe. Any aircraft that has flown to or from KYNG show as being from “CYNG”. I’ve checked aircraft that are based there and they all show “CYNG” as airport ID. Can anyone look into this and make the correction so the flights will be shown?


To see what I mean track a flight for “N90MC” the aircraft is based at “KYNG” but you will see that “CYNG” is used instead and no information is found for that airport.

Hi, sorry, your issue was noted and we were working on the resolution. Someone was supposed to post and let you know that we understood the concern and were on it, but that never happened.

We just brought the fix up on our live system, so it should be all fixed.


Thanks for fixing the problem.


Thanks from Me as Well. YNG Is soon to be full of internet traffic.