Most WWII aircraft would not be flying IFR though, so you’re going to have a hard time finding one on there.
If you have a specific aircraft type in mind you can find it there. Bear in mind that you might need to look up the type designator of the specific model you’re looking for. (you can find a listing, here among other places). Many are quite obvious, like P51, or ZERO, but some are not perfectly intuitive.
Nah. Weather conditions [and pilot rating, of course] will make the difference whether one will fly IFR or VFR. Pilots owning WWII planes fly them for the pleasure of flying these warbirds. Therefore, there really is no reason for them to fly in marginal conditions.
All the warbirds are so expensive to fly and maintain,like above they do not want to risk flying in anything other than ideal conditions,one way to track a few is to check an airshow schedule for various airports and check the arrivals and departures for that airport.LAst week there was a show at ANDREWS AFB and a B-17,B-25 and P-51 were trackable.
I’ve tracked a few with my camera and shot hundreds of photos. It’s very time consuming to post the photos online but here are a few I’ve taken over the last 2 yrs:
STUDENT PILOT—Der Dumbkolf Das Learnen Fliegen Un Hopen To Jobenfinden Mit Der Airlinens
FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR—Der Timenbuilder Mit Less Den 1000 Hrs Multienginefliegen, Teachen Dumbkopfs To Fliegen Vile Waitenwatchen Fer der Letter Mit Der Joboffering Frum United
PARACHUTE—Der Stringencotten Das Est Usen To Floaten Der Tailschwingen Pushenpullen Bankyanken Werker Down To Earthen Ven Der Fliegenwagen Est Kaputen
JET TRANSPORT—Der Muchen Overgrossen Biggenmother Das Ist Fliegen Highenfaster Mit All der Mach Und Flightenlevels
AIRLINE TRANSPORT PILOT—Das Grosse Overpaiden Und Under Werken Whinencomplainer Biggen Schmuck Dat Fliegen Mit Das Big Airlinen
PASSENGER—Der Dumbkoph das Est Strappened en Der Baacken Mit Der Other Dumbkopfs Das Est Expecten To Leave Undgo On Scheduledtimen Und Arriven Mit Der Luggagebags Someplaceneisen
FAA—Der Friggenfliegen Dumbkopf Schmucks Das Maken Alder Rulens Und Regulations