Im in need of help with an issue regarding flight tracking in my project
“Freight Channels”.
Iam in development and im using your “SearchBirdseyeInFlight” function
to get the data.
My username is : PHILIPKURIEN
I was searching for an EMIRATES flight “UAE231” and at that time the
flight was actually on air and the api just returned an “arrival time” and
was not 0. according to “SearchBirdseyeInFlight” the arrivalTime should be
0 if the plane is not landed yet.
given below my search query to “SEARCHBIRDSEYEINFLIGHT”:
{= IDENT UAE231}
and the whole url is given below:
philipkurien:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@ … yeInFlight
AM I DOING SOMETHING WRONG?? if so correct me.
Keep in mind that when matching by only the “ident”, there may actually be multiple matching flights (current, past, and future) so you should always specify howMany > 1 and actually look at the departure/arrival times to be sure you have found the flight for the day/time you are interested in. Be aware that the name of SearchBirdseyeInFlight doesn’t strictly mean that only enroute flights are returned.
It may be easier for you to use FlightInfoEx instead of SearchBirdseyeInFlight, unless there are specific values that you need from SearchBirdseyeInFlight. (FlightInfoEx is also less expensive.)
Hi bovineone,
Thank you for your quick reply.
Can you please give us the structure of the return values for “FlightInfoEx” ie.FlightInfoExStruct as the link in the API documentation is broken.
Thanks for bringing the broken documentation to our attention. We are looking into the problem.
In the mean time, you can find the definitions of the structure types in the legacy documentation page here: flightxml.flightaware.com/soap/F … ypeDetails
Hi bovineone,
however the issue is not fixed regarding the wrong data from “SearchBirdseyeInFlight”. what i need is a status whether the flight that iam searching by providing an ident is “in air” or “arrived”. but i actually cant look for {true inAir} because the flight can also be arrived. i was using the departure time and arrival time in “SearchBirdseyeInFlight” to track the status. ie. if departure time > 0 and arrivalTime > 0 , the flight is landed.
if departure time >0 and arrivalTime = 0, the flight is “on the way” etc. But now somehow im getting false data and im sure it is not the very recent data that im getting from the API. Also unlike you mentioned before, “SearchBirdseyeInFlight” is not returning multiple data while searching using ident only. It is returning only one single data and that is wrong. can i somehow get the most recent data from “SearchBirdseyeInFlight”.
I have also tried using “FlightInfoEx” and iam confused with the
filed_time etc…
The documentation does not explain what these exactly are. which of these can i use in this case.
can i somehow get the status of the flight as i mentioned above. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
The SearchBirdseye* functions only have access to data for about 24 hours and data from completed flights is very quickly purged from it. It is intended for primarily flights that are still active and has more dynamic information such as current lat/lon position and altitude.
The FlightInfoEx function has access to flight status data for about the past 14 days, but does not contain the dynamic lat/lon/alt data.
The meanings of the field names are generally pretty self-explanatory if you understand the pattern…
actualarrivaltime - time the flight actually arrived runway
actualdeparturetime - time the flight actually departed runway
estimatedarrivaltime - time when the flight is estimated to arrive
filed_departuretime - time when the flight was originally filed (planned) to depart
filed_time - time when the flightplan was filed/submitted/entered into the computer, which is unrelated to the departure/arrival time