"White Jets" @ McGuire AFB

I’ve lived in close proximity to McGuire AFB (now "Joint Base McGuire / Dix / Lakehurst) for over twenty years . During the past few years I’ve overheard reference to two (so called) “White Jets” on station .
Yesterday , 24 February 2015 , @ 1019 hrs , I had occasion to view a very strange “mystery” jet (737 sized) as it overflew my home .
The aircraft , @ ~ 6500 ’ AGL , was conspicuous in that its skin was a highly polished solid white , and that it bore absolutely NO identification or insignia . NONE . I was unable to visualize an engine / engines , but the decibel level was , comparatively speaking , < 50 % of that produced by the newer and much quieted KC-135E .
Although I very much enjoy the approaches of the KC-10s and the ANGs KC-135s , I’m not particularly thrilled by an overflight of an aircraft which is void of registration / ID / serial numbers . Additionally , if these aircraft are so secret as to demand inclusion in a black budget , I’ve a difficult time understanding why our military would fly same is such a populous area .
Any information on the “White Jet” which I viewed yesterday would be very much appreciated .

Could be VIP transport like this:


This one has minimal markings, which may not be visible at the 6500’ which you described.


Thanks much Marty . Aside from the facts that there were no pylon mounted engines nor an aft engine placement , the “White Jet” had a skin suggestive of highly polished porcelain ; it fairly “glowed” . Beyond that , and the lack of serial ID / insignia , was the astonishing lack of jet roar
which bordered on the spooky (pun intended) . Again , I do much appreciate your kind attention and suggestion . … Wishing you a safe flight ,

In Response to your question they are C-32B Aka B-757,they are part of an Air Force Special Operations Squadron,thus minimal markings since they often work on Foreign Soil,they are often affiliated with Emergency Missions for Department Of State,CIA or FBI.Unlike other Air Force Aircraft who use typical everyday callsigns over and over they C-32B change their callsign for every flight and it can be anything.All missions on these aircraft are classified.

They are also the only 757’s that are capable of mid air refueling

Not enough information. Attach a picture. I guess I don’t understand why any aircraft would be restricted from operating over a populous area. Many “white jets” don’t have any registration. A lot of them are used for training. They load-up with 8 to 10 military pilots and practice their aviation skills until they upgrade to their primary aircraft.

If not C-32B, they could be Vision Air 767s (if you underestimated the size).

Google “N767VA” and “N769VA”, and look for their registration painted in very difficult-to-read beige-on-white on the port side, above and behind the rear door (see image below – zoom in!).

Lots of conspiracy theories on these birds: http://cryptome.org/2012-info/dulles-mystery/dulles-mystery.htm


These flights have tail numbers, they are just not very big. They are mostly 737, and occasionally a 757. They are operated by the US Marshals Service as JPATS (Justice Prisoner Alien Transportation System) flights. They transport inmates requiring “special” transportation at FCI Fort Dix, FDC Philadelphia, MDC Brooklyn and MCC New York. These can be medical cases or high profile/witsec inmates. They are also used twice a week for ICE flights with buses coming down from Essex/Newark and over from Philadelphia.

If you could see the tarmac, you would see a line of buses surround the plane and guards will be escorting the ICE detainees into ICE custody from the contractor. In case of BOP transport at McGuire, it is usually just a van or a car. It also goes in reverse, flights into McGuire to move BOP special custody inmates around to testify or for transfers.

I can not speak as to how the BOP handles witsec internally, but the Marshals witsec program requires direct transportation end to end. The BOP will only handle the housing and emergency transportation. Everything is co-coordinated by the district the prison is in, as well as the “home” district (district of sentencing).

This is most likely what you are looking at. usmarshals.gov/jpats/737-1.jpg

Everybody’s answers were great – but didn’t match up to what he said he saw:

“there were no pylon mounted engines nor an aft engine placement , the “White Jet” had a skin suggestive of highly polished porcelain ; it fairly “glowed” . Beyond that , and the lack of serial ID / insignia , was the astonishing lack of jet roar”

I suspect visitors from the planet Vulcan.

the USAF AFSOC has a Basler BT-67 Turboprop DC-3 for training aircrews based at Hurlburt Field FL