Whats your farthest plane?

Not mine. I only have a dingy. :sob:

What is that connected to your flight aware? Wireless usb?

RavPower portable charger/battery pack.

Nice! Visited many places with your setup?

Mostly the top level of various parking garages in the area where I can get a 360°, unobstructed, view of the horizon .

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Hi Chris,
Thanks for sharing the photos,atleast I got idea about using power bank with rp.How much back up you get after full charge?

I see two black boxes.
A large one on the table, which is obviously a battery pack.
Another smaller one mounted on the wooden stick, to which ProStick is plugged in. What is this one?

14 m mast, 10 db Antenna (russian A-10), 25 m Ecoflex 10 cable, Pi3 and Orange receiver. Max that I got (ADSB mode) in MLAT got more 600km+.



@Obadiah3244 Thanks. So it is Micro USB OTG Hub as I have suspected, but was not sure.

Today i got a maximum distance of 515nm location is tasmania australia and sydney is on the NNE of my location antenna is a ZMX Beam with a Yaesu G250 Rotator…

Regards Lino…

Flightaware Blue Stick,Flightaware Orange Stick,GNS 5890,Kinetic SBS-3

Best I’ve seen 275 miles, with a solid average of 235… Which sounds all good, until you see that my antenna is mounted on my balcony of a 39th floor condo tower with nothing between me and the horizon.

Looks like I have a little more work to do :face_with_raised_eyebrow: LOL…

N3739K, 260 NM, Altitude 45,000 ft

12/27/2017 11:14Z

I am far inland but get oil helicopters over the Gulf of Mexico some mornings when the conditions are just right. Here’s one 398 miles away:


700NM or 1300KM
screenshot at http://www.nl3ehv.nl (live view)
http://nl3ehv.nl/graphs.php (some graphs) (Raspberry Pi3 status)

Your own RPI-Monitor?

Easy to install, don’t forget to make a backup :slight_smile:

1134 km Received yesterday morning, good tropo opening in southern Australia. Im located near Wagga NSW.