WHAT were they thinking!!?

Has everyone else seen this act of extreme stupidity?


Holy Smokes… :open_mouth:


Not sure I get the stupidity part… :question:

For the love of God, that aircraft could have crashed. Low, slow and what kind of turn was that over the end of the runway?!! Jeeeze!! That left wing was LOW!!

Low and slow… more like on the back curve of stalling slow on the turn…

I just wonder what kept that plane flying between 45 and 50 seconds, it looked like he lost a some altitude Hard part figuring that out is the terrain is hilly in front of and behind the plane is rising which may be optical illusion making the plane look like it’s sinking.

Pretty expensive piece of hardware to be putzing around in :open_mouth:

Low and slow even with all that drag, no pax that plane wasn’t behind the curve. it’s not a Cessna with a O-360.
I’m not saying that what they did was smart (it was VERY stupid). But they had the power to get out of that no problem.
The turn- tisk tisk. that dude and his blind FO need to buy a lotto ticket .

That wingtip was lower to the ground during the turn than it is during takeoff. All it takes is one good gust…


I’m thinking what the other guy talking was thinking…


I’m not sure if the A300/310’s are like the 319/320/321 but the system on the latter family will not allow the aircraft to stall. It will add power and adjust the pitch so that a stall cannot occur.
I do not know if the newer 310’s have this?

I had seen that and what I thought was crazy is they had the gear down. What is crazy to me is TAP allowing them to do that.

From a different angle and a few more low passes.


Did you see all the planes and ultralights parked along the runway in the second video? I wonder how many of them flipped over moments after the video ends.

This was just a You Tube video and I felt my heart sputter… Luckily no accident became of this… I guess I should use the CYA in this posting… (THAT WAS JUST “PLANE” STUPID!) :open_mouth: