What does your setup look like?

Most will be afraid and refuse when I tell them I want to install some equipment to track aircrafts. They think it has something to do with plane hijacking, espionage, or terrorism. They even become suspicious of me.


One is limited to the indoor location, others (like me) by the geographical limitations…

We all have our challenges.
My antenna is outdoor since 2 months, but none of the neighbours even asked what that is.

Site 82531 is 13 feet above ground level and that is 7 feet above mean sea level. Total = 20 feet above sea level. That being said, there are only perhaps two obstructions of any note, one to the SW, one to the SE and they are only about 5 degrees of blockage each.

Quite a contrast with that site limited only by horizon and frequently significantly beyond, to my paltry results on the other site where the inverse is true.

Well, they dont know what for it is. If you start telling them it is for tracking the air planes, may be some of them will call Bundeskriminalamt or Bundesnachrichtendienst, who knows :wink:

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Well, you’d have to find someone inclined :wink:

seem to be that this thread going in the wrong direction :slight_smile:

Maybe they simply do not want to mess with me…

Thanks. Post deleted.

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Site 104282 (CS2) is a RPi4 in a Smraza case w/fan, Nooelec SMArTee v2, RTL-SDR ADS-B LNA and FA 26" antenna. It is mounted in the attic 4’ away from CS6. (no image)

Site 113612 (CS6) is RPi4 in a Smraza case w/fan, FA Pro Stick Plus (blue) and FA 26" antenna. It is mounted in the attic. The white disk in the image is part of the security system. Please ignore the twine. It supports a DIY octopus ground plane antenna used for experimenting. Click image to see the entire image.

Dense oak trees surround the building on 3 sides. The west is open to a golf course but the antennas are on the East side of the attic. Outdoor antennas are prohibited by city building codes.

Hi all,
just join the community and I found this topic inspirational to my future installation. My current setup is a RTL SDR stick connected to a Raspberry pi 3. I just got connected to flightAware and I plan to install the receiver in my backyard garden house with an external 12dbi VHF antenna. Just for few days it will work from inside the house where I cannot guarantee an extended coverage, but just to keep it alive.

I plan to install the receiver in my backyard garden house with an external 12dbi VHF antenna.

A VHF antenna usually covers 136-174 Mhz. The ADSB frequency is 1090 Mhz. It will “work” but not very good. My first attempt at an outside antenna was a 1/4 wave ham antenna up about 14 ft. I thought it was working pretty well, until I ordered a 1090 Mhz antenna and 25 ft. of RG58 coax with the proper “N” and SMA connecters installed. WHAT A DIFFERENCE!!!

If that is what you have on hand, by all means, use it. It you get an antenna tuned for 1090 Mhz, you will see a noticeable difference. Just as a reference, a multiple of 136.25 Mhz X 8= 1090 Mhz.

Give it a try, but a proper antenna will make you much happier!

Good Luck! And welcome to this addicting hobby.


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Maybe he’s describing the garden house, not which antenna he will use the receiver with :slight_smile:

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The full sentence sounds different to me. Room for interpretation :slight_smile:

About vhf that was my mistake :unamused: of course is UHF…

Most people would describe narrow band antennas just as a 1090 MHz antenna :slight_smile:

Yes, this is what i ment but due to the late hour, i wrote vhf instead of uhf. I bought a 1090mhz antenna and a cmx to sma pigtail for the purpose, it is expected to arrive by monday.
BTW, using my diamond dualband antenna although is in the rooftop and a low loss cable didn’t return anything good…would be better didn’t return anything at all.

This morning I modified my installation to test again with the new RTL-SDR LNA powered by a Bias-Tee.

I will see if I get a better result compared to the old one which no longer works, and especially to compare with the Uptronics Ceramic Filtered Preamp.

For the test period I did not replace the cavity filter.

For the moment the results are less good, but it is mainly related to the current climatic conditions.
I note that on other ADSB station in Europe, the stats are down today.

I’m going to let it run like this for a week…


French action causing significant #flightdelay. Details http://dsnado.canalblog.com Italian strike from 12-16 UTC (13-17 local time) (some airports already affected). Note this strike affects overflights as well.

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I deployed ADS-B using an Intel mini computer that I already had running VMWare’s esxi 6.7 for another purpose. While familiar with the Raspberry Pis I did not have an extra one and did not want to buy one just for this purpose especially since I already had a host capable of running this.
I deployed the virtual machine using Ubuntu server 18.04 (because I already had the ISO and was familiar with it…plus the bionic release was one supported by the distribution for self compiling)

I followed the instructions offered by @abcd567 (Thanks!) listed on this forum here: Anyone working with the new x86 Raspbian - #104 by abcd567

They worked very well except near the end there were about 4 dependencies that were missing. That was resolved by copying the 4 that were missing and running “sudo apt install w x y z” where wxyz were the names of the missing dependencies. I also got warnings about encryption signing for a couple hard-coded email addresses. These did not seem to cause any issues.

I am waiting for my antenna (amazon) and antenna cable (AIR802) to arrive to actually start collecting data but the unit is up and communicating with the mothership.

Jan 14 09:09:28 ads-b01 piaware[940]: site statistics URL: https://flightaware.com/adsb/stats/user/scdickey#stats-118873
Jan 14 09:09:29 ads-b01 piaware[940]: ADS-B data program ‘dump1090-fa’ is listening on port 30005, so far so good
Jan 14 09:09:29 ads-b01 piaware[940]: Starting faup1090: /usr/lib/piaware/helpers/faup1090 --net-bo-ipaddr localhost --net-bo-port 30005 --stdout
Jan 14 09:09:29 ads-b01 piaware[940]: Started faup1090 (pid 1096) to connect to dump1090-fa
Jan 14 09:09:29 ads-b01 piaware[940]: UAT support disabled by local configuration setting: uat-receiver-type
Jan 14 09:10:00 ads-b01 piaware[940]: 0 msgs recv’d from dump1090-fa; 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
Jan 14 09:10:09 ads-b01 piaware[940]: piaware received a message from dump1090-fa!
Jan 14 09:10:48 ads-b01 piaware[940]: piaware has successfully sent several msgs to FlightAware!
Jan 14 09:15:00 ads-b01 piaware[940]: 8 msgs recv’d from dump1090-fa (8 in last 5m); 8 msgs sent to FlightAware
Jan 14 09:20:00 ads-b01 piaware[940]: 8 msgs recv’d from dump1090-fa (0 in last 5m); 8 msgs sent to FlightAware
Jan 14 09:25:00 ads-b01 piaware[940]: 8 msgs recv’d from dump1090-fa (0 in last 5m); 8 msgs sent to FlightAware