Anyone working with the new x86 Raspbian

Manual Install of dump1090-fa and Piaware on Raspbian x86

Write the .iso image to the USB Pen-drive using Etcher or Win32DiskImager or command dd (mac/linux), just like one writes Piaware or Raspbian image to a microSD Card. Then boot the PC with the USB Pen-drive, select “Run with Persistance” and it automatically opens prompts to set language, keyboard, country and City. This step is total 15 to 20 minutes job.

The next step is installation of dump1090-fa and Piaware. This step takes another 15 to 20 minutes. Hence the total time is 20 + 20 = 40 minutes. Following few simple commands are required for second step:

(A) Update

sudo apt update

(B) Build and Install dump1090-fa

B-1. Clone Source code,

sudo apt install git

git clone

B-2. Enter Cloned directory “dump1090”, and edit 2 files as shown in B-2.1 & B-2.2.

B-2.1. Edit file debian/control and remove bladeRF

cd dump1090

sudo nano debian/control

#Scroll down till you find the first lines below. 
#Scroll down further to find second line. 
#Delete libbladerf in both lines as shown in red below.


B-2.2. Edit file debian/rules and change BLADERF=yes to BLADERF=no

sudo nano debian/rules

#Scroll down till you find the line shown below. 
#Change BLADERF=yes to BLADERF=no as shown in red. 

B-3. Install build tools and dependencies.

sudo apt install  debhelper  dh-systemd  librtlsdr-dev  libusb-1.0-0-dev 

sudo apt install  build-essential  pkg-config  libncurses5-dev  lighttpd

B-4. Build the dump1090-fa package

sudo dpkg-buildpackage -b

#After package building is completed, go out of dump1090 directory, 
#and check if the package exists:

cd ../


dump1090                dump1090-fa_3.6.3_amd64.buildinfo  dump1090-fa_3.6.3_amd64.deb
dump1090_3.6.3_all.deb  dump1090-fa_3.6.3_amd64.changes    dump1090-fa-dbgsym_3.6.3_amd64.deb

B-5 Install dump1090-fa

sudo dpkg -i dump1090-fa_3.6.3_*.deb

sudo reboot 

B-6. Add Receiver marker and Range Rings

Open file for editing:
sudo nano /etc/default/dump1090-fa

In the line:
RECEIVER_OPTIONS="--device-index 0 --gain -10 --ppm 0 --net-bo-port 30005"

--lat xx.xxxx --lon yy.yyyy

The line will become:
RECEIVER_OPTIONS="--device-index 0 --gain -10 --lat xx.xxxx --lon yy.yyyy --ppm 0 --net-bo-port 30005"

(used actual latitude and longitude in place of and yy.yyyy )


( C ) Build & Install Piaware

C-1. Install Build Tools and Dependencies

sudo apt install  devscripts  build-essential  debhelper  

sudo apt install  tcl8.6-dev  autoconf  python3-dev  

sudo apt install  python3-venv  virtualenv  dh-systemd  

sudo apt install  zlib1g-dev  tclx8.4  tcllib  

sudo apt install  tcl-tls  itcl3  net-tools  


C-2. Build and Install Piaware

git clone  

cd  piaware_builder  

CODENAME=(`lsb_release -sc`)  

echo ${CODENAME}  

./ ${CODENAME}  

cd  package-${CODENAME}  

dpkg-buildpackage -b  

cd ../  

sudo dpkg -i piaware_*.deb  


sudo piaware-config feeder-id xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

sudo piaware-config allow-auto-updates yes
sudo piaware-config allow-manual-updates yes

sudo systemctl restart piaware

sudo systemctl status piaware

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