What does the orange highlighted next stations mean?


sorry if this is mentioned already somewhere but I searched and didn’t found any answer:

On the statistics page, what does the orange highlighted stations in the “next stations” mean?
At first it was only a station in my surrounding but in the last days I turned orange too… :man_shrugging:t3:

Thanks and greetings from the French-German boarder

Never mind…
…looking at my screenshot again… I finally got it :slight_smile:

Orange highlights are the leader(s) for the flights and positions. (In each specific next stations list?)
So yep, I’m happy to “earned” the orange highlight for flights. :slight_smile:

Yes, those are the top values within your own local area (something like the closest 25 receivers to your location?). Note that they are the median value from the most recent 7 day period - so they can change daily.

It’s sort of an odd contest because it is comparing your median value to that of the others. It might be that your median value might have been yesterday (so in the past 7 days you have 3 days higher and 3 days lower), while the nearby location in second place might have had his median on Monday.

The chart just looks at seven days for each receiver, throws out the 3 highest values, throws out the 3 lowest values, and ranks everyone on the value that remains.

Here’s mine - I am almost always in first for messages, while that ATPFlightSchool account consistently catches about 50 more planes than me.

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Thanks for the explanation.
Interesting to see, that, despite the other station and I maybe have the same hardware (Flightfeeder),
I have more flights but he has more messages.

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Radio signals at ADS-B frequencies propagate at line-of-sight, but even then there are different things that can cause interference. Trees and buildings, reflections of the signal off metal or even water causing microseconds of delay that attenuate the signal, other radio sources, the quality of your particular unit… the list goes on. As one television show described time being, “Wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey,” so too can radio signals appear to be “wibbly-wobbly.”

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