What are some alerts for aircraft I can reasonably see

I have only grabbed one semi interesting flight in the last week.
I am curious to what are some alerts I can setup to look for…
Mostly interested in MIL and GOV , surveillance and the secret squirrel stuff…

thanks in advance…

BTW, RPI2B , pro stick,notch filer,50 ft of lmr 400, to commercial antenna at 8 ft on edge of house …

The FBI seems to like to use shell corporations for their aircraft registration, so good luck setting up a good alert for them.

Not that hard, you can find them in airframes.org/
Just google Stingray aircraft.
Plenty of paranoid people out there.

Thanks, I was aware of the device, I knew it was used… I DID not know of particular tail numbers or flights to search for to find locally however…

I am pretty current on the technology side, just not the aircraft or deployment end of things…

I will keep looking and search some flights…

The problem is that, those paranoid people are correct. It’s like the FBI and NSA leadership grew up watching X-Files episodes, and then went, “Okay, let’s to exactly that! No one will believe it is happening”.

It is defiantly not paranoia it is fact. I have seen aircraft circle an area for hours on end and unless they were extremely bored GA pilots they were defiantly aircraft looking for something. An AP report from a quick search goes into a little bit of detail on the fronts. msn.com/en-us/news/us/fbi-be … ar-BBkywnm

U.S. law enforcement officials confirmed for the first time the wide-scale use of the aircraft, which the AP traced to at least 13 fake companies, such as FVX Research, KQM Aviation, NBR Aviation and PXW Services. … At least 13 front companies that AP identified being actively used by the FBI are registered to post office boxes in Bristow, Virginia, which is near a regional airport used for private and charter flights. Only one of them appears in state business records.