Weather overlay no longer in sync

If you look at this flight, it seems it went through a thunderstorm. If you pull the official Nexrad radar image from either takeoff, mid-point, landing or the shown gray weather overlay time-stamp, it doesn’t match. The overlay is from several hours after the flight.

I had checked another flight a few days ago, and the radar image matched, but not this time.

Seems to line up pretty well when I view the flight. Are you seeing something different on your end? If so, can you attach a screenshot showing the issue?

Your screen shot looks correct and it also looks correct now on my side, so they fixed it. This morning, the site was showing the current radar image labeled with the time of the flight.


It is fixed as you say, but I can also confirm exactly what you saw yesterday. I was curious about your post, and when I viewed the flight in question yesterday, it was definitely displaying a current radar image. I did a radar loop of official radar data from the beginning of the flight until the current time, and FA was definitely displaying the current image.

Interesting. I was mainly just curious how FA chooses which image to display.


I wouldn’t mind if they were showing a current radar image as long as the gray time stamp on the bottom right would reflect that. But when this bug shows, the image and the time stamp don’t go together.

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