Virtual Radar Server does not work properly

I’ve just installed VRS on my Raspberry.

Server can be started and is accessible. But everytime i am trying to load the page, it takes a few seconds then the page ends up white.

In the server logs there are several errors then shown. Any idea how to fix that?
I am using the latest mono version which was installed by apt install mono-complete.
(Mono JIT compiler version

Errors are all leading to the config file i have created manually based on the instructions on VRS webpage.
Seem to be that the Mono version does not recognize the sections in that file.
I’ve also downloaded the file from the server to make sure it’S not a copy&paste error, but the problem persist

[2020-01-25 15:49:38.703 UTC] [t22] Caught an exception on a slow tick heartbeat event: System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: Unrecognized configuration section <startup> (/home/pi/VRS/VirtualRadar.exe.config line 5)
  at VirtualRadar.Interface.EventHelper.Raise[TEventArgs] (System.Delegate eventHandler, System.Object sender, System.Func`1[TResult] buildArgsCallback, System.Action`1[T] exceptionCallback, System.Boolean throwEventHelperException) [0x000ec] in <e12aac2b958e495eab9ae21eda4767ae>:0
[2020-01-25 15:49:38.707 UTC] [t17] Caught exception in DownloadAirPressuresOnBackgroundThread: System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: Unrecognized configuration section <startup> (/home/pi/VRS/VirtualRadar.exe.config line 5)
[2020-01-25 15:49:39.651 UTC] [t20] AircraftOnlineLookup caught exception: System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: Unrecognized configuration section <startup> (/home/pi/VRS/VirtualRadar.exe.config line 5)
[2020-01-25 15:49:46.657 UTC] [t19] AircraftOnlineLookup caught exception: System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: Unrecognized configuration section <startup> (/home/pi/VRS/VirtualRadar.exe.config line 5)
[2020-01-25 15:49:48.834 UTC] [t14] Caught an exception on a slow tick heartbeat event: System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: Unrecognized configuration section <startup> (/home/pi/VRS/VirtualRadar.exe.config line 5)
  at VirtualRadar.Interface.EventHelper.Raise[TEventArgs] (System.Delegate eventHandler, System.Object sender, System.Func`1[TResult] buildArgsCallback, System.Action`1[T] exceptionCallback, System.Boolean throwEventHelperException) [0x000ec] in <e12aac2b958e495eab9ae21eda4767ae>:0
[2020-01-25 15:49:48.838 UTC] [t10] Caught exception in DownloadAirPressuresOnBackgroundThread: System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: Unrecognized configuration section <startup> (/home/pi/VRS/VirtualRadar.exe.config line 5)
[2020-01-25 15:49:58.988 UTC] [t6] Caught an exception on a slow tick heartbeat event: System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: Unrecognized configuration section <startup> (/home/pi/VRS/VirtualRadar.exe.config line 5)
  at VirtualRadar.Interface.EventHelper.Raise[TEventArgs] (System.Delegate eventHandler, System.Object sender, System.Func`1[TResult] buildArgsCallback, System.Action`1[T] exceptionCallback, System.Boolean throwEventHelperException) [0x000ec] in <e12aac2b958e495eab9ae21eda4767ae>:0
[2020-01-25 15:49:58.992 UTC] [t22] Caught exception in DownloadAirPressuresOnBackgroundThread: System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: Unrecognized configuration section <startup> (/home/pi/VRS/VirtualRadar.exe.config line 5)

the error comes up on command line after accessing the page, not right at the server startup.
After that error the server continues running and i have to end it with Q as documented.

Additional note i just saw:

The server start contain also an error:

Errors While Initialising Tile Server Settings Manager
Caught exception while downloading tile server settings at startup. See log for more details.

I’ve checked the logs and found these details (filtered to the word “Tile”)

  at VirtualRadar.Library.Settings.TileServerSettingsDownloader.Download (System.Int32 timeoutSeconds) [0x00000] in <fecf96952bc24a0194d3711217e82b06>:0
  at VirtualRadar.Library.Settings.TileServerSettingsManager.DoDownloadTileServerSettings (System.Int32 timeoutSeconds) [0x00020] in <fecf96952bc24a0194d3711217e82b06>:0
  at VirtualRadar.Library.Settings.TileServerSettingsManager.DownloadTileServerSettings () [0x00000] in <fecf96952bc24a0194d3711217e82b06>:0
  at VirtualRadar.Library.Settings.TileServerSettingsManager.DownloadSettingsOnHeartbeatThread () [0x0005d] in <fecf96952bc24a0194d3711217e82b06>:0
  at VirtualRadar.Library.Settings.TileServerSettingsManager.Heartbeat_SlowTick (System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e) [0x00000] in <fecf96952bc24a0194d3711217e82b06>:0

Can you add OS and RPI versions?
Is anything else running on the RPI?


OS is Debian Buster, RPi is 3B
On the device is running only dump1090-fa, MySQL (/MariaDB) and nginx (on a different port than VRS) and several feeding scripts

For testing purposes i had VRS installed on this device already several weeks ago and it was running without issues. Unfortunately i didn’t remember which version of Mono i used.


I’ve tried to run it under user root (directly, not as PI with sudo) with it’s own configuration, but the problem is the same.

Any ideas beside reinstall of the system (which would be my next step) is appreciated

You could try asking on the VRS forum - they do have a Linux section where you might find something useful.

I was searching there already (of course), also Google did not deliver anything substential.
From the error message i would assume that the latest version does have issues with the config file

The forum there is not very frequented. Last entry is from two months ago. The wohl first page includes topics from the last 18 months.

Seem to be that there are not many people running it on Linux/RPi

Did some more tests. Looks like the install is not the problem, but an access via Web. Once i try to access WebAdmin, it throws the same error that a secion cannot be identified in config file.

I tried removing it, but then the exception comes up with section

Check for windows vs linux line breaks?

Put the config file on pastebin and link it here?

I have copied and pasted it meanwhile two times, and i also downloaded the config file from the server distributed here:


<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <supportedRuntime version="v2.0.50727"/>
        <assemblyBinding  xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
                <assemblyIdentity name="Mono.Data.Sqlite"
                                  culture="neutral" />
                <bindingRedirect oldVersion=""
                                 newVersion="" />

Console Output while launching VRS:

WARNING: The runtime version supported by this application is unavailable.
Using default runtime: v4.0.30319
Parsing command-line parameters
Initialising the log
Initialising user manager
Loading the configuration
Starting picture folder cache
Opening the BaseStation database
Loading standing data
Initialising tile server settings manager
Errors While Initialising Tile Server Settings Manager
Caught exception while downloading tile server settings at startup. See log for more details.

Initialising air pressure manager
Connecting to data feed
Starting web server
Starting rebroadcast servers
Initialising UPnP manager
Initialising online lookup manager
Starting plugins
Local address:
Network address:
Press Q to quit

Well it says: see log for details.

Why don’t you check where the actual log is. (i have no clue)

Logfile here:

I’ve cleaned it, started VRS, generated the error and shutdown VRS again. So the Log contain everything between launch and stop

It can’t open the sqlite database file.

You did the createAdmin command line stuff?

yes, have seen that too.

But why is the server able to start and the error comes up only when trying to access the page?

And the more important question: Which of the databases?
I just downloaded an initial Basestation.sqb in case this is the DB, but the error is the same.

I’ve tried accesssing WebAdmin.
System ask me for user/pass i’ve previously set but then the page turns white and the error is shown on the console too.

This possibly won’t help you but this was my experience with Mono + VRS.
I installed Mono + VRS using the article by

In it he refers to “Mono 4 issues”, Linux - Virtual Radar Server.

I had to re-install when I corrupted the sd card and found that I couldn’t get it to work with Buster, works ok with Stretch.

I’ve successfully installed and used VRS on a VPS running Buster (instructions here) and also have since repeated the install on PiAware 3.8.0 with no problems.

No, that won’t help because it’s the same instruction i have used. But thanks for trying to help.
The Mono 4 issue is also described on the main site where a config file has to be created.

And exactly this config file now causes problems…

These instructions are pretty much the same as above, so on my device even unsuccessful.

I think it’s time to stop research and do a fresh install.

After getting up that early on a foggy and wet sunday morning, i took the chance to reimage the Raspberry.

Buster installed after 20 Minutes, Piaware and dump1090 working five minutes later
Another 20 Minutes later VRS was up and running.

Now i only need to figure out how to get it running in background all the time.
Any good suggestion/guide for getting it done as user “pi”?

I tried it as service, but it always try to start as root

Googling “systemd service user” didn’t help?

If you run tmux or screen you can then run VRS and disconnect from the session, leaving it running. On Buster it’s as a simple as:

Install tmux

$ sudo apt install tmux

Launch it

$ tmux

This opens a new terminal with a green banner at the bottom. Now launch VRS as normal. That launches and gets you to the familiar “Press Q to quit” prompt. Then you press

Ctrl-b d

to disconnect from tmux. Later on, to reattach, enter

$ tmux attach

See my VPS post for more info and some links relating to tmux.

I know that systemd would be the correct one.
What i was missing was the fact that the group must be given as well. Only the user is not enough for the service to get it running.

Works now

Thanks, but i prefer the service usage. “screen” would also be an option, but not for me.