VRS install scrips

I ran across this and installed VRS with the scrip and it worked great. GitHub - mypiaware/virtual-radar-server-installation: A Linux installation script to easily install and enhance Virtual Radar Server.


May I ask which type of device you installed this on and how it is performing?

Raspberry Pi4, 2 gig with Pi OS 32 and runs excellent.

Thanks very much - might have to try that myself.

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Thanks very much for this! Installed and runs great on Linux Mint 20 (Ubuntu). I did this this as an exercise to see it work. I have been running VRS on Windows for years. I prefer the look of VRS to that of the feeder provided viewing options.

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The install scripts work excellent and it was easy to follow his prompts. I added the create user name and password first then went back and set VRS to run on boot. The auto download silhouettes, flags and basestation.sqb work fantastic. I also optioned to install the latest BETA version and runs great.

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Thanks, all running here too.

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I don’t suppose anyone else is having this issue or you would have said so. No aircraft icons. This is my first time using mono, but I’ve installed VRS many times and never saw this before. Aren’t the aircraft icons a built in feature of VRS? I’ve never had to configure them before.

I may have to get on Github and post the question.

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I’m not at home to check but go into the options at the top left hand side of the screen and see if that option is available

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I looked at every option and I don’t see anything that looks like it would add the aircraft. Here are screenshots of my Windows and Linux VRS servers. They have identical settings. Windows is shown first. As I said, never had to do anything for the aircraft markers to show.

I have another Linux box sitting idle. I may do the installation on that one and see if it looks the same.

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I wonder which version are you using? The only problem I am having is that I am not displaying the aircraft picture in the upper right hand part where you show the Cessna.

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I installed the stable version. Which did you install?

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I installed version 3.

Deeper reading reveals that Version 3 the aircraft thumbnail links are disabled due to a issue with virus programs.

I installed version 3 over 2 and all is well! Thanks again for posting this script.

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You are welcome but I have to give credit to the person who wrote the script.

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I understand. I wanted to thank you for bringing it to our attention.

When I get time, probably this weekend, I’m going to back up my feeder box (Linux Mint) and install VRS on it. That will free up space and CPU cycles on my Windows server.

Let us know how that turns out. I have a extra laptop needing a SSD. Maybe I might try that

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If you look back at the picture I posted above you’ll see there’s no aircraft photo. I didn’t realize until after I posted that NO aircraft photos are showing up. Sigh. So with version 2 I didn’t have aircraft markers and with version 3 no photos. I guess the next stop will be Github. I’ll let you know what happens. By the way, you installed version 3, right? Do you have aircraft photos?

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