Viewing ADS-B realtime in Google Earth

Wrote some code in vbscript after learning that GR-Air-Modes can do something similar but not available on the Windows platform. Every second, the code pulls the JSON data from dump1090 and writes it into a KML file that Google Earth can comprehend, this way the data can be visualized to also include the altitude (maybe there’s something out there already for Windows but I couldn’t find it).

Too bad Google Earth can refresh the source faster than once per second, was thinking of going through a day’s worth of data and speed it up to see the air traffic around Toronto.

I used plane plotter to do this.

Use it also but it doesn’t have the ability to show the data three-dimensionally.

Did see that there is Virtual Radar 3D but it seems it’s not designed to work with dump1090 unless somebody figured that out.

Yes, it does. It’s got two views (at least two that I’ve viewed). With one of the views, you get a cockpit view from the nominated plane. From the other view, it puts an icon at the location (including elevation) of each aircraft. The result is that when in cockpit view, with the other view turned on, you can see the other planes flying around, too.

I played around with that flight deck view a while ago, didn’t like it. Personally find it a lot easier to move around to view the data in Google Earth vs in PP.

I let PP generate the view, but I view it in GE. If you set the timer in GE just right, you can almost get the animation to look realistic.

Somehow I completely glanced over that setting in PP to generate the KML file for Google Earth, thanks!

Nevertheless, still able to generate the data without needing PP but unfortunately it’s only limited to what I’m seeing.

Would bei great if you share your script code.

I’ll see if I can find it, I think I lost it but could probably rewrite it.

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