Do any videos of this landing exist anywhere?
I know for a fact that you can view it at the museum the plane landed at. Other than that, I don’t know.
You can see this aircraft doing maneuvers over the Rand Airport a year before the imfamous landing, but the landing video has escaped the internet’s grasps as of yet.
Nice! Would love to see a Vmo fly by. 342KIAS would be cool 8)
Second 747 to land at Rand is available on video.
Very amazing.
The perspective of the actual landing is scary…there’s a slight rise between the camera and the landing point. The pilot used a couple full deflections of rudder after landing.
(it’s another video that has questionable background music.)
Thanks james, I can die knowing that I’m not the best pilot alive
That’s a great video. Thank you, I think my clients will enjoy it too.
I could’ve told you that… someone has to be in line behind me!