Hello everyone!
I got a very strange flight on my ADSB Receiver in Germany near Cologne.
The Flight TAY196X (Aircraft TFBBH) from ASL Airlines Belgium was reported 594km away from near Le Mans, France.
After observing the flight for a while i saw that the distance was not changing at all despite the varying Altitude, speed and vertical rate.
The RSSI was also strange because it reported around 3-6dbfs, what is typical for a plane that is only a few km away from me.
I also discovered that all flights with that Aircraft number are as strange as the one I saw.
There are flights that report a way from france to africa in 15min where the path is a straight line. Very strange…
Take a look at these flightaware links:[flight]TFBBH[/flight] [flight]TAY196X[/flight]
Screenshot of the Plane on 14.06.2017 from my Tracker:
Today i got the plane again even further away and also with a 3dbfs RSSI: [flight]TAY089C[/flight]
I hope someone has an idea where these strange Signals are comming from.
regards from germany,