Very impressed today

Hello all, after setting up my flight aware and getting used to it, I have taken an interest in military flights with callsigns like “clean 41 42 43” which i spotted today off the nw of Scotland
also spotted other flights on my (beacon raspberry pi B) which covers east to west coast of Scotland, as far up as Aberdeden, just wondered if their is any latest general list of millatary flight callsign with aircraft typed.
Thanks in advanced

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Hello, Derek

Also noticed couple of those CLEAN callsigns today over Scotland. According to adsbexchange that was KC-135 fuel tankers.


Hello alexy,
I thought that was what they were , in fact I was "seeing 3 of them over the outer west coast, I am a relative newby and enjoying this site, my live coverage using flight aware usb has given me good insight to what is above our head, and as I am west of the English lake district.
keep well thanks for your time.

There was lots of military activity in Scottish airspace throughout the morning, the ‘Clean’ trio headed west around lunchtime(?)…it can be busy at times…
The Clean 135s, Galaxy, wc135,F15, c40, ec130 amongst others…

Thanks for reply
I see you mention a forum site I was unaware of, having taken a look will read further thanks.


Welcome to the hobby, as you get used to it you might be interested in Virtual Radar Server at

It is a free program, available on Windows, Mac and Linux, it uses your FlightAware data but produces a much more configurable display. Does not have to be on same machine as your Flightaware system.


hi goeff, thanks for info have downloaded it and will take a look at it soon.
qthr cumbria uk

The setup can be confusing but is actually quite simple. If you have any problems feel free to ask. Tools - options is where all the settings go.

Is your ADSB system on a Raspberry Pi?
