Version 3.0.3 on a pre-built pi3

I have a pi3 I use for ham radio, and it has a bunch of stuff I need (especially the kernel).
I tried version 3 on my pi2 but it won’t work with my wifi dongle, so that’s out.

So, I built the piaware_builder and it is installed and checking in all right. I used the /etc/piaware.conf for config.

It checks-in with flightaware so that’s good, but no beast. So I built the beast-splitter and figured the piaware would start it up internally. I guess not. So I tried the:

beast-splitter --serial /dev/beast --listen 30005:R --connect localhost:30104:R

All sorts of port conflicts in /var/log/piaware.log

Anyway, what’s the best way to start beast-splitter in piaware 3?

If you are building your own image then you will have to do it yourself; this type of configuration is something that is done by the support packages that are present on the sdcard image only.

You could try building/installing the piaware-support package, but I can’t provide support for that and be aware that it will go and stomp on your configuration because it is expecting to be run on a sdcard image

If you are getting port conflicts from beast-splitter that means you have something else running that you didn’t mention (piaware itself does not listen on any ports)

Ah figured it out, it was just mlat process trying to connect to dump1090 that I hadn’t started yet.