US sending 15 aircraft to Dubai Airshow even F-22's . .

Flightaware thread USA cancels USAF aircraft at Moscow airshow . . .

Well, the same people are not only sending 15 US military aircraft to the Dubai Aishow, today they are announcing there even sending an F-22 Raptor - which will not be the Star of the show.

Dubai Airshow press release

News release F-22 raptor to appear

I think being on the good side with UAE and the middle east in general, is a good thing.

Apparently Dubai outranks Oshkosh on military aircraft. No F-22 up there in 2009, for the first time in two or three years.

I thought Obama did not want the U.S sending planes over to foreign airshows?

It’s not an issue I feel one way or another about, but
I think the thing with the Moscow show, is that it’s more of a show, of military might

MAKS bills itself as “a demonstration of the advantages and development trends of Russian science and industry in such high-tech areas as aviation, space, missile engineering.”

whereas Dubai is one of the premier aviation sales/trade shows.

If the F22 could spare a couple of hours and shoot some sidewinders into some well-known Afghan/Pakistani bordering mountainsides, they could write the whole trip off. :stuck_out_tongue:


Keep in mind these might be military aircraft that are going that do not yet belong to the military. Manufacturers showing their wares, etc.

Sidewinders are AIM’s, not air-to-ground. :unamused:

F-22 is star of the show . . . YouTube

Surely that guy can video better than that… :laughing:

Satellite photo of the ramp at Dubai… … seen-orbit

That is a cool pic. A lot of aircraft packed in there. :open_mouth:

Straight from The Age. Have to wonder if Boeing fell asleep during this one, or if the latest problem with the B787 kept them away from scoring good deals…

Airbus soars past Boeing at Dubai Airshow
November 19, 2009 - 10:52AM

Airbus said yesterday it has received US$5.3 billion (A$5.7 billion) in orders and letters of intent for new aircraft at the Dubai Airshow, while rival Boeing announced two orders for less than US$800 million (A$860 million).

“We had a good airshow, better than many expected,” said Airbus chief operating officer John Leahy in a statement released a day before the biennial show ends, with overall sales down sharply on 2007.

The Airbus orders were for 15 aircraft worth more than US$3.6 billion, in addition to memorandums of understanding on another 18 valued at around US$1.7 billion.

The largest came from Ethiopian Airlines for 12 A350-900s worth US$2.9 billion, while Air Austral ordered two A380 superjumbos worth US$655 million. Air Austral plans to be the first airline to fly the A380 with an all-economy class fit-out of more than 800 seats.

Swiss-based charter airline Comlux placed a firm order for one Airbus Corporate Jet (ACJ) worth US$75 million.

Meanwhile, Airbus signed an MoU to supply Yemenia Airlines with 10 A320s worth US$770 million, and an MoU with Senegal Airlines for two A320s and two A330-200s valued at US$670 million.

An MoU was also signed with Nepal Airlines for one A320 and one A330-200 worth US$258 million.

Arch-rival Boeing received orders from the Algerian national carrier Air Algerie for seven Boeing B737-800s. The price was not disclosed, but it should range between US$493 million and US$553 million according to catalogue prices.

Boeing also confirmed an order for four B737s by the Algerian domestic carrier Tassili Airlines, valued at US$228.4 million.

Sales are sharply lower for the two companies that than in 2007, when they received orders and letters of intent worth around US$75 billion, mostly from Gulf carriers.

Show organisers said yesterday that orders by the next to last day have exceeded US$13 billion – way below US$155.5 billion in 2007.

Leahy warned that the aviation industry is still struggling to overcome the impact of the global financial crisis.

“Our industry is not out of the woods yet. There will be a difficult winter ahead of us,” he said.

“But with the deals we made in Dubai and the interest in our products that we saw here, spring may not be that far away,” he added.


The A380 had pride of place at the show (very visible in the satellite photo) while the 787 was conspicuous by its absence.

The wailing and gnashing of teeth emanating from Boeing HQ over having missed putting the 787 in the Dubai show was audible even here in PHL!


Oh well, there’s always next ye… I mean, there’s always 2011. Wait, no - 2012. Uggghhh - scratch that guys. What I meant to say is, there’s always 2013 - maybe.

I better be quiet. That new plant is going up within whisper distance of where I am.

Too true. It has to be said now - the delays and issues that the B787 has had over the past year and a bit (it’s going on 2 years overdue and still has yet to make its first flight; a fact that shareholders haven’t missed with the class-action lawsuit they slapped on Boeing) is really giving the A350XWB some serious viability.

EDIT: It should be known that Boeing had announced that 12/22/09 will be the date for first flight for the B787. If they don’t get this latest problem fix/resolved, they’ll miss this date, and miss their previous announcement(s) that the B787 would fly this year.

10 orders at the Paris Airshow, and another 12 here. Yes, a far stretch behind sales for the 787, but Boeing’s delays are really causing carriers to look at the A350.



At this point, I think everyone is taking that 12/22/09 “in the air” date (or any other date Boeing throws out) with a grain of salt. We’ve already seen so many of those dates come and go, I don’t pay any attention to them anymore (most everyone else probably doesn’t either). I think that’s why it’s called the "dream"liner. It’s a dream thinking that thing is going to get off the ground anytime soon. This new plant they’re building here is supposed to ease some of the backlog on this jet, but it’s not even projected to be finished until June, 2011. Sadly, by then, it may be way too late.

And everyone else will have filed chapter 7, waiting for the job that never materialized. :frowning: