United Airlines channel 9

I was wondering if they have channel 9 on in the mornings or if they turned it on at lunch time. The reason I’m asking is because my uncle flew United a couple of years ago in the morning and asked the pilot after the flight why channel 9 wasn’t on…the pilot said it turns on a 11 a.m.


Pilot’s a jackass. It can be turned on anytime the pilot wants it on. There’s no rule saying it can’t be turned on until 11 a.m.

Yep, I was on a 6AM flight on thursday and it was on.

And by contrast, I was on a 10:45pm flight from KLAX-NZAA-YMML, and Ch. 9 was on the entire time.


The Pilot was Fu*king with him. they prob just had if off

At times, pilot will announce that you can listen on ch 9, however, flight attendents forget get to turn on their part of entertainment system. Really sucks when you’re flying out of ORD and ATC is very busy…