UAT Translation from Dump978-fa

Hmm that might be why it’s a problem when you try and paste it here.

But it should be recognized as AVR by VRS.
Be sure to set the type to AVR.

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Just because this came up in another thread, compiling uat2esnt:

git clone /tmp/dump978 --depth 1
cd /tmp/dump978/legacy
make uat2esnt
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin
sudo cp uat2esnt /usr/local/bin

You can now use uat2esnt either using the full path /usr/local/bin/uat2esnt or probably just by using the command uat2esnt
I’d recommend using the -t option to suppress TIS-B messages.

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Great command to see the live output

Or just connect to 30979 for json-format output (which is somewhat human-readable)

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It does show rssi…
socat -u tcp4-connect:,forever,interval=5 STDOUT

A more readable version that alerts you something might show up in skyview978 - and also doesn’t disappear when the signal goes away
socat -u tcp4-connect:,forever,interval=5 STDOUT | grep -C “rssi”


jq is a very handy utility here, it can slice and dice the json and extract just the bits you care about.


$ jq -c '{address,time:.metadata.received_at,rssi:.metadata.rssi}' <foo.json
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is the UAT range value “selected_sitedist” available to be extracted with jq? Tables of address, range vs rssi might be helpful for adjusting gain and optimizing adsb receiver.

There is no range value transmitted in the UAT messages; this is a derived value.

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I ran into the same issue noted above with the output of UAT2ESNT having output like this:


I had compiled it with a straight ‘make’ executed in the folder I’d untarred into.

Following the compile instructions from wiedehopf in the posts above produced a ‘clean’ output like this:


So now I have a good translation I’m trying to feed this to FR24 - anybody had any joy with that ?

Brows through this thread.
Better read all posts from 1st up to the last to get a clear picture.

Feed 1090ES + 978UAT to Different Sites




You can directly feed dump978-fa output (without translation by uat2esnt) to Radarbox24 feeder by method given by @dynamicpbx at Radarbox24 Forum:


Please also see this post for explanation of above method:

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Here’s an update for future folks who land on this thread like I did… Everything in this thread still applies regarding using uat2esnt, however, many of the referenced Git repos have commits that broke uat2esnt, at least for some integrations like Virtual Radar Server.

Specifically, there was a change “Emit messages with a magic UAT timestamp” which appends a constant value to every converted message. This breaks functionality with Virtual Radar Server, which was my goal.

This is the culprit commit: legacy/uat2esnt: emit messages with a magic UAT timestamp · flightaware/dump978@56d4c05 · GitHub. When I use a commit earlier than this one and compile according to the make instructions in this thread, I’m able to use uat2esnt to pipe the UAT feed into Virtual Radar Server as a AVR/Beast input.

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