I have two production feeders, one for 1090 (site 100063) and one for UAT978 (site 101266). A few weeks ago I decided I wanted better stats for the 1090 feeder. I put together a pi3B+ airspy mini feeder and got better stats. Then I got greedy and built a pi4 airspy mini feeder and got some strange results.
spyaware (site 108954) is a pi3B+ powered by a POE hat/airspy mini/RTL-SDR Blog Triple Filter
LNA running the FA SD card image 3.7.1.
spy4 (site 103073) is a pi4 powered by the official USB-C PS/airspy mini/RTL-SDR Blog Triple
Filter LNA running the latest Buster lite image with the Debian add-on 3.7.1.
Both spyaware and spy4 were configured per wiedehopf’s howto for airspy manual install/config.
Both feeders are each fed by 50 feet of LMR400 cable with FA antennas and produce very similar stats for aircraft and positions.
My concern is that spy4 (103073) indicates on both SkyView and performance graphs that it produces only one-half as many messages/sec as spyaware (108954), even though for both feeders, FA stats for aircraft and positions are similar. Also on the ADS-B Message Rate/Aircraft graph you can see that the Maximum Messages/AC for spy4 is exactly half of the number for spyaware. The graphs for ADS-B Range and ADS-B Signal Level for both feeders are for all practical purposes identical.
Where are the rest of the messages/sec for spy4 (103073)?
Below I have included for both feeders, the status of airspy_adsb, appropriate graphs, htop views, and a couple of pictures.
Help me find the missing messages.
A couple of other things come to mind:
Why does spyaware run a beast-splitter process and not spy4?
What is the purpose for the connection to port 45748 on spyaware and how does it get
airspy_adsb status
pi@spy4:~ $ uname -a
Linux spy4 4.19.66-v7l+ #1253 SMP Thu Aug 15 12:02:08 BST 2019 armv7l GNU/Linux
pi@spy4:~ $
pi@spy4:~ $ systemctl status airspy_adsb
â—Ź airspy_adsb.service - Airspy ADS-B receiver
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/airspy_adsb.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Mon 2019-09-09 17:51:02 MST; 15h ago
Docs: https://discussions.flightaware.com/t/howto-airspy-mini-piaware-dump1090-fa-configuration/44343/2
Main PID: 358 (airspy_adsb)
Tasks: 4 (limit: 4915)
Memory: 7.6M
CGroup: /system.slice/airspy_adsb.service
└─358 /usr/local/bin/airspy_adsb -v -f 1 -p -b -l 29999:beast -l 47806:asavr -c localhost:30104:beast -g
Sep 09 17:51:02 spy4 systemd[1]: Started Airspy ADS-B receiver.
Sep 09 17:51:02 spy4 airspy_adsb[358]: Listening for beast clients on port 29999
Sep 09 17:51:02 spy4 airspy_adsb[358]: Listening for asavr clients on port 47806
Sep 09 17:51:02 spy4 airspy_adsb[358]: Acquired Airspy device with serial 26A464DC28364493
Sep 09 17:51:02 spy4 airspy_adsb[358]: Decoding started at 12 MSPS
Sep 09 17:51:14 spy4 airspy_adsb[358]: Push client connected to localhost:30104 (beast)
pi@spy4:~ $
pi@spyaware:~ $ uname -a
Linux spyaware 4.14.98-v7+ #1200 SMP Tue Feb 12 20:27:48 GMT 2019 armv7l GNU/Linux
pi@spyaware:~ $
pi@spyaware:~ $ systemctl status airspy_adsb
â—Ź airspy_adsb.service - Airspy ADS-B receiver
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/airspy_adsb.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Mon 2019-09-09 17:47:20 PDT; 15h ago
Docs: https://discussions.flightaware.com/t/howto-airspy-mini-piaware-dump1090-fa-configuration/44343/2
Main PID: 269 (airspy_adsb)
CGroup: /system.slice/airspy_adsb.service
└─269 /usr/local/bin/airspy_adsb -v -f 1 -p -b -l 29999:beast -l 47806:asavr -c localhost:30104:beast -g 16 -m 12
Sep 09 17:47:20 spyaware systemd[1]: Started Airspy ADS-B receiver.
Sep 09 17:47:20 spyaware airspy_adsb[269]: Listening for beast clients on port 29999
Sep 09 17:47:20 spyaware airspy_adsb[269]: Listening for asavr clients on port 47806
Sep 09 17:47:20 spyaware airspy_adsb[269]: Acquired Airspy device with serial 26A464DC28341B93
Sep 09 17:47:20 spyaware airspy_adsb[269]: Decoding started at 12 MSPS
Sep 09 17:47:25 spyaware airspy_adsb[269]: Client connected from (beast)
Sep 09 17:47:25 spyaware airspy_adsb[269]: Client disconnected (beast)
Sep 09 17:47:32 spyaware airspy_adsb[269]: Push client connected to localhost:30104 (beast)
Sep 09 17:48:34 spyaware airspy_adsb[269]: Client connected from (beast)
pi@spyaware:~ $
spyaware (108954) on the left. piaware (100063) in thr middle. spy4 (103073) on the right