Definition of the issue:
Given two identical feeders with common antennas, one feeder in the stand-alone
role receiving 1090MHz only and the other in the combo role receiving 1090MHz
and UAT signals, the combo feeder will produce about 8% fewer mode-s aircraft
count stats and 40% fewer MLAT aircraft count stats than the stand-alone feeder.
Included below are two test cases with data to support this finding.
Test feeder hardware:
I am using two RockPi4Bs 4GB for these tests. These are RPi alternatives.
They both run recent 64b Armbian desktop images. Both feeders are running
performance governor. Both feeders are running PiAware (Debian Package
Add-on)3.8.1 Many thanks to Nitr0, abcd567, and AD5MT for shortening my
learning curve with the builds.
Both feeders have an Airspy R2 and Orange dongle installed. The R2 receivers
use the following parameter string: -v -f 1 -e 9.4 -w 3 -t 600 -g 20 -m 24.
The gain on the Orange dongles is 25.4. While in the stand-alone role the
dump978-fa service is stopped and disabled.
The 1090MHz signal path is: rockpi4B>R2>3 way splitter>bias-t>
RTL-SDR Blog 1090MHz triple filtered LNA>50’ LMR400 coax>DPD 1090MHz antenna.
The 978MHz signal path is: rockpi4B>Orange>3 way splitter>Uptronics UAT SAW
filter LNA>FA 1090/978 round blue filter>50’ LMR400 coax>DPD 978MHz antenna.
At the bottom of the post are scroll blocks with the supporting data
for each test case presented here.
Test Case #1: Both feeders in the combo role
The scrolling block shows piaware messages counts of data being sent to the
Flightaware servers for which both feeders are in the combo role.
Also shown are the stats that were returned to the feeders’ stats pages at
the end of the 24 hour UTC day. Notice that the counts of the messages
sent to FA and the returned aircraft count stats are almost identical for
both feeders. For this test the UAT input for the rock1090 feeder was
aggragated from a remote feeder. That feeder’s Orange dongle gain was
set to 25.4. Whether the UAT data is produced locally on the feeder or
aggragated from a remote feeder has no effect on the test.
Test Case #2: One feeder in combo role, the other in stand-alone role
The hostname rockaware is in the combo role, receiving both 1090MHz signals
and UAT signals. The hostname rock1090 is in the stand-alone role.
The dump978-fa service is stopped and disabled. The counts of the
dump1090-fa messages sent to FA from the piaware service are almost
identical for both feeders. The mode-s stats returned to the combo
role feeder are about 8% less than the mode-s stats returned to the
stand-alone role server. Also MLAT stats returned to the combo role feeder
are about 40% less than those returned to the stand-alone feeder.
These resulting stats are not a fluke. These results are repeatable and
the roles of the feeders can be reversed with the same results.
I understand that message counts to FA may not directly correlate to
aircraft counts received on the feeder’s stat page.
Why are the aircraft counts to the combo feeder reduced compared to the
aircraft counts to the stand-alone server?
Anyone have thoughts as to why this is occuring?
Checks for the following items have been made with no issues found:
- USB bandwidth
- Power supply
- RF interference between SBCs/dongles/receivers
Test Case #1 Results: Both feeders in the combo role
Linux rockaware 5.4.49-rockchip64 #20.05.7 SMP PREEMPT Sun Jun 28 18:17:52 UTC 2020 aarch64 GNU/Linux
Sep 30 17:00:05 rockaware piaware[8297]: 836063 msgs recv'd from dump1090-fa (5071 in last 5m); 833490 msgs sent to FlightAware
Sep 30 17:00:05 rockaware piaware[8297]: 101515 msgs recv'd from dump978-fa (702 in last 5m); 101258 msgs sent to FlightAware
Oct 01 17:00:05 rockaware piaware[8297]: 2098762 msgs recv'd from dump1090-fa (7063 in last 5m); 2096189 msgs sent to FlightAware
Oct 01 17:00:05 rockaware piaware[8297]: 248510 msgs recv'd from dump978-fa (812 in last 5m); 248253 msgs sent to FlightAware
Oct 1 msg totals: dump1090-fa 1262699
dump978-fa 146995
Mode-S 2,465
UAT 255
Other 50
Total 2,810
Linux rock1090 5.7.15-rockchip64 #20.08 SMP PREEMPT Mon Aug 17 00:26:28 CEST 2020 aarch64 GNU/Linux
Sep 30 17:00:04 rock1090 piaware[9106]: 219535 msgs recv'd from dump1090-fa (5034 in last 5m); 219535 msgs sent to FlightAware
Sep 30 17:00:04 rock1090 piaware[9106]: 17530 msgs recv'd from the ADS-B data program at (729 in last 5m); 17530 msgs sent to FlightAware
Oct 01 17:00:04 rock1090 piaware[9106]: 1485852 msgs recv'd from dump1090-fa (7125 in last 5m); 1485852 msgs sent to FlightAware
Oct 01 17:00:04 rock1090 piaware[9106]: 166673 msgs recv'd from the ADS-B data program at (825 in last 5m); 166673 msgs sent to FlightAware
Oct 1 msg totals: dump1090-fa 1266317
dump978-fa 149143
Mode-S 2,462
UAT 258
Other 49
Total 2,808
Test Case #2 Results: rockaware in the combo role, rock1090 in the stand-alone role
Linux rockaware 5.4.49-rockchip64 #20.05.7 SMP PREEMPT Sun Jun 28 18:17:52 UTC 2020 aarch64 GNU/Linux
Oct 06 17:00:05 rockaware piaware[8297]: 8274391 msgs recv'd from dump1090-fa (7394 in last 5m); 8268727 msgs sent to FlightAware
Oct 06 17:00:05 rockaware piaware[8297]: 910768 msgs recv'd from dump978-fa (1301 in last 5m); 909852 msgs sent to FlightAware
Oct 07 17:00:05 rockaware piaware[8297]: 9703728 msgs recv'd from dump1090-fa (7165 in last 5m); 9698064 msgs sent to FlightAware
Oct 07 17:00:05 rockaware piaware[8297]: 1103180 msgs recv'd from dump978-fa (1433 in last 5m); 1102264 msgs sent to FlightAware
Oct 7 msg totals: dump1090-fa 1429337
dump978-fa 192412
Mode-S 2,381
UAT 270
Other 42
Total 2,741
Linux rock1090 5.7.15-rockchip64 #20.08 SMP PREEMPT Mon Aug 17 00:26:28 CEST 2020 aarch64 GNU/Linux
Oct 06 17:00:03 rock1090 piaware[7020]: 1083781 msgs recv'd from dump1090-fa (7393 in last 5m); 1083777 msgs sent to FlightAware
Oct 06 17:00:03 rock1090 piaware[7020]: 92019 msgs recv'd from dump978-fa (0 in last 5m); 92019 msgs sent to FlightAware
Oct 07 17:00:03 rock1090 piaware[7020]: 2515108 msgs recv'd from dump1090-fa (7151 in last 5m); 2515104 msgs sent to FlightAware
Oct 07 17:00:03 rock1090 piaware[7020]: 92019 msgs recv'd from dump978-fa (0 in last 5m); 92019 msgs sent to FlightAware
Oct 7 msg totals: dump1090-fa 1431327
dump978-fa 0
Mode-S 2,597
Other 45
Total 2,721