While watching the mayhem at KORD last night I noticed some weird planes. Put in the numbers and came up with nothing. I underlined them in red in the image below. Any ideas post!
You were not suppose to see this. The MIB (Men in Black) will soon be at your doorstep, Boeing7475500, with their mind messer-upper to remove all memory of this.
Boeing, please tell me you didnt actually think those were real planes, scattered in a perfect radial pattern at each compass direction around the airport (North, North by Northeast, Northeast, East by Northeast, etc.), with almost perfect sequential numeric ID’s.
Interesting how ONE plane (TST16) is out of sequence… Who’s responsible for screwing up THAT test data, and how will that affect the results?
Notice the near mid-air of TST7… Hope there was some vertivcal separation there… Also notice in the upper right corner - but being at near opposite directions, I would fully expect vertical separation there.
Very interesting though - good observation Boeing!