I mocked up a pretty functional feeder system using an old netbook and FA dongle, filter and a home made eight element collinear antenna on the roof. I occasionally see the odd plane at 320 miles but see hundreds a day at over 200.
I made a new feeder from a better surplus netbook, using Debian 8 and the debian piaware package and dump1090-mutability. Got it all working, turned off the earlier feeder, and claimed the new feed on FA. The feed is recognised on the claim receiver web page, piaware-status seems to cover all the required conditions for successful feeding and mlat, but after six hours my FA web page shows no sign of the new feeder. The page shows the ip address of the old feeder not the new one ( and NOT, which is the one I want to show.
Reading the FAQs, it seems that the site should pick up a new feeder IP within an hour.
I also note that in spite of copying and pasting the precise station coordinates in the dump1090-mutability setup procedure, my second feeder is shown about a hundred miles to the south of my real location on the Flight Aware map. It also migrates around the map as much as thirty miles from time to time without any input from me.
I installed my dump and piaware from here → Joe Prochazka’s site adsbreceiver.net/2016/05/19 … -released/
because not being a Pi, I had to have an i386 capable installation.
I must be missing something obvious here. I’d be glad of any help or suggestions you folks can make. Thanks.
Ha ha ha - that’s comical. I should have waited a few more minutes. What a shame I lost all my other record. Over the last three weeks I had gained a rank of 2500 and climbing, but never mind, I can start again. I thought it would just add on to the old record.
I have set up the exact location for MLAT purposes. This has also cleared up the mapping issue. Apparently, Flight Aware had estimated the spurious one, which is odd because I entered the coordinates to about six decimal places on the website and in the dump-mutability package.
Anyway - looks like we’re back in business. Thanks guys.
Is it possible to amalgamate the results from my two feeders so that I have a combined upload total on one page? I am only going to run one feeder from my house, not two. The changes I made were to replace an older with a better condition netbook so I could retire the old one.
I now have two pages (thanks for finding the ‘lost’ new one you guys)