Trouble installing - bad package?

A new feeder ID is assigned by the server when a piaware with no feeder ID first connects.

The manual step is linking an existing feeder ID (allocated automatically, see above) to a user account. piaware-status will tell you your feeder ID after it has been allocated.

Without seeing the logs that have been asked for a few times, I can’t be sure, but it definitely sounds like your piaware can’t connect to the FA servers (or perhaps piaware isn’t even starting properly).

#wired-address # no value set and no default value
#wired-broadcast # no value set and no default value
#wired-gateway # no value set and no default value
#wired-nameservers “” # using default value
#wired-netmask # no value set and no default value
#wired-network yes # using default value
#wired-type dhcp # using default value
#wireless-address # no value set and no default value
#wireless-broadcast # no value set and no default value
#wireless-country 00 # using default value
#wireless-gateway # no value set and no default value
#wireless-nameservers “” # using default value
#wireless-netmask # no value set and no default value
#wireless-network no # using default value
#wireless-password # no value set and no default value
#wireless-ssid # no value set and no default value
#wireless-type dhcp # using default value

Looks like your Pi may not have Internet connectivity. Did you configure it to connect to your wifi router’s SSID? What does ip link show say?

The Pi is actively on the internet. The problem is the PIAWARE configuration is incomplete/incorrect.

ps: Sorry for the duplication if you got both, I duplicated this message as I’m not sure the first was sent.

Thank you all for your help. I have decided to abandon this approach as it is taking way too much time - and the best intentions have sent me running in circles. I am going a different direction - and currently have my receiver up and reporting already.

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