Tracking Stats - On Pi or Flightaware

I basically know how to plug in the Pi and let it do its thing. Beyond that, I am pretty much useless. I like going through the stats on data I have contributed. Are these stats stored on Flightaware or on the Pi at all? If on the Pi, how do I get to the data or what software do i need to display it? I like to go through the tail numbers logged and have a particular hobby of watching for a very specific aircraft.

Thank you!

Hi, for you to store data send from your radar use this command:

replace myreceiver with your ip

wget -O - -q myreceiver:30003 > log.txt .csv kml or wathever extension you want

to stop press ctrl+c log is stored on your root files check with ls


If you install modesmixer2, you can have it log every aircraft you see to a basestation.sqb database. You can then use some other software (such as Virtual Radar Server) to query the database and produce reports of what has been seen. Alternately, you could have VRS running continuously and logging directly but it’s not a native linux program and is a bit heavy for a pi.

Jvcdcarlos, can you be a little bit more specific on exactly how to do this? I would like to do the same, but have no idea how to begin. There are obviously different knowledge and experience levels and I am at far low end from a Pi working/programing basis.

Can I type this into the “Send command line to the device” on my ADSB page? Do I have to access the Pi directly-- and if so – how do I do that? What exactly do I type in? Do I have to have a specific file name? I basically got my Pi setup to work doing exactly what the Piaware site told me to do and nothing more. I have no idea how to modify anything and fearful I will mess things up.

I would have no idea how to download modemixer2 as suggested by another user. Would this be on the Pi or home PC? Again, no idea where to begin.

I apologize for my lack of programming/setup knowledge but will make up for it in desire to learn.

Thanks, Brian

Hi, simple open your terminal console window (black screen)

now tip

replace myreceiver with your ip

wget -O - -q myreceiver:30003 > log.txt .csv kml or wathever extension you want

to stop press ctrl+c log is stored on your root files check with ls

also do you can copy from here the command text:

wget -O - -q myreceiver:30003 > log.txt

afther copy from here in your terminal console click with right button and text will bee pasted just replace myreceiver with your internal ip and file extension in this case txt for whatever you need csv kml sql …

if you get a error permission dennied just add sudo in front from command

sudo wget -O - -q myreceiver:30003 > log.txt

Interesting - im looking to do the same thing; archive the data for further analysis on another box.

The VRS with modesmixer 2 sqb sounds ideal.

Looking at your HowTo - looks to me like that’s setting up a local txt log in which ever format?

Could you give some simmilarly basic steps for setting up modesmixer2 to output to the sqb for VRS?


unfortunately i dont know how modesmixer works, if someone make a tutorial ill be good for community.