The Banter Thread

Ah yes… that is the rumor…

Now that TSA is beginning to start screening for Ebola-enhanced travelers, they will be using new forms and questionaires. This appears to be a draft one found at:

Now, a more effective strategy would be to quarantine all travelers coming from one of the afflicted countries for the 21 day incubation period. This would reduce the chances of spreading the wealth so to speak. My question is, if someone on a flight meets the quarantine criteria, should the rest of the passengers on the flight be quarantined on the theory they may have been infected?

Two kids in the last 3 years has me calmed down a bit :laughing:

Here would be a better solution- stop watching American news. Forget about Ebola, you have a better chance of being struck by lighting then getting Ebola.

You want to take care of a health threat? How about education Americans on what is actually a healthy diet rather then the processed food-like products consumed daily.

Here’s something much more frightening then Ebola- in 1980 there were ZERO cases of childhood type II diabetes, today there are over 35k cases. This my friends scares the sh*t out of me!!

Gluten causes Ebola

That, sir, is a real can of worms. A good, if light introduction would be the book “Twinkie Deconstructed” … lcome.html
Remember when Coca Cola bottles were 8 oz? If you do, can you remember how much walking you did?

And I’m sure everyone here has gotten a Flu Shot.

Got mine… won’t go without after having the flu a few years ago…

Simple handwashing would go a long way to minimizing a lot of disease transmission…

Read Grain brain by Dr Pearlmutter

You might look into the Under Six diet.
If the ingredient list has more than 5 items, don’t eat it.

I’ve been eating a paleo diet for a year and a half and I’ll never go back to eating any other way again. I feel 20 years younger lost 40lbs and have crazy energy.

Try The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals is a nonfiction book by Michael Pollan published in 2006 for a good read over dinner.

Thats the Prius.

I think it is testosterone level rather than anatomy that is the critical factor.

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Dont know where else to post, mostly because this forum software stinks.


Dont read em much anymore because Its difficult to navigate, use, understand.

Dont know why they went to this.

There was a post about the reasons for making the switch. You can view the post at the following link.

What ever the reason, it doesn’t change my dislike. So they made it worse for the users
to make an IT guy happy. Makes sense to me.

BTW I ran a board/forum for an RV group for over 5 years with PHPBB. Im not an IT
guy and I found it very easy to run.

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