The Adventures of Chopper Chick . . .

This is a blog I look into every once in awhile, I used to watch her on KTLA, and a girl really living life . . . Desiree Horton . . .

Copter Chick Blog

You plugged that blog a little over a year ago… … 4653#54653

Not that I mind looking again :wink:

Some pretty awesome pictures of the California wildfires!

Yup - I recall.

I was looking for some helicopter info the other day, and knowing Flightaware has lots and lots of new members - I thought a great opportunity to repost.

‘Pretty kool chick!!!’

Pretty hot too!

Very HOT!! :wink:

I like her Facebook picture

She’s got pumpkin butt.

That is dern funny! :laughing:

I think they are fake :open_mouth:

She’s interviewed in One Six Right quite a bit too.