Tar1090 -- improved webinterface for dump1090-fa and readsb

Would it be possible to have the Ident Number as a small flag beside the aircrafts similar to how FR24 can be configured?

Just out of couriositiy…

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Possible yes:
7. Permanent labels · alkissack/Dump1090-OpenLayers-html Wiki · GitHub

Just not sure i want to implement it (haven’t lookded at how it’s done).


Updated the aircraft track handling somewhat to tend more towards showing the dotted/estimated track.
Also the logic up to which point the line should be dotted and when it will be solid again was adjusted. It should be absolutely correct now, not that it really matters too much :wink:

If you are a fan of zooming in and looking at the nice curves the aircraft are flying, i recommend setting the interval to 3 and history_size to 900 for 45 minutes of very precise tracks in history.


After installing dump1090-fa :wink:

Looks good, thanks @wiedehopf .


Small update:

Keep recent history better uptodate!

The last 1 or 2 minutes of history have been spotty.
Fix that.

One of the reasons for making this was to make the tracks of the aircraft more accurate.
Up to 2 minutes of the most recent part of the tracks actually were a straight line :slight_smile:
Now it’s much better, should be no more than about 15 seconds of straight line :wink:

Update as always with the original install script.


I like the layout that has slightly more screen real-estate to enjoy.
One disadvantage: tar1090 does not recognize MLAT and some TIS-B. They appear as ADS-B. See screenshot below with the option “Group by Data Type” checked in both dump1090-fa (left panel) and tar1090 (right panel). Example: see the Canadian plane with ICAO code C07923 which is MLAT on the left and ADS-B on the right. Of note, the counts for Total Aircraft and With Positions are identical between dump1090-fa and tar1090.

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Thanks for putting that together. I will try to find some time to have a poke at it.


Then you seem to have a different problem.

On my device MLAT is visible:

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I was tweaking the loading speed last night, he has the new buggy version :wink:

I’ll find the problem. (hopefully)


MLAT is fixed now.

Didn’t fix anything TIS-B related, are you sure that it’s not displaying TIS-B correctly?

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And i should be more careful to avoid typos. I meant MLAT, not MKAT :slight_smile:

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Loading times seem to be much better!

I’ve increased my settings for even nicer curves.
Let’s see if the loading times are still acceptable with 500 data points.


Keeping the load time below 2 seconds is nice for sure.

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Update by rerunning the install script.
Bottom right of the map is the layer switcher.

Not everything quite done yet.

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Updated and it’s working. Perfect job!

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just my luck. Reinstaled and working fine now. TIS-B and MLAT counts match dump1090-fa

Is there a way yet to combine the 978 & 1090 traffic to one skyview page? If so, please point me to it as I haven’t been able to find it. If not, somebody smart please figure out how to do it!!! Thanks.

just installed tar1090, everything works fine, good work !
But I have to modify config.js again to get back my Bing maps (Arial and Roads) and own range rings back … :slightly_smiling_face:
‘New’ config.js is located here: /usr/local/share/tar1090/html/config.js

You can convert 978 to esnt messages and give it to dump1090.
But it’s messy.

Other than that, nothing until now :wink:
I’ve almost got it working stand by.

Remove the old configuration file and update to / Install the current version of tar1090:

sudo rm /etc/default/tar1090
sudo bash -c "$(wget -q -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiedehopf/tar1090/master/install.sh)"

Open /etc/default/tar1090

sudo nano /etc/default/tar1090

Should show this:

# Change to yes to enable UAT/978 display in tar1090
# If running dump978-fa on another computer, modify the IP-address as appropriate.

After changing no to yes and if necessary adapting the URL, save with Ctrl-O and enter, then use Ctrl-X to exit.
Restart tar1090

sudo systemctl tar1090

You should now see UAT planes in tar1090 :wink:

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Very nice and excellent work. I notice that I have more layers to choose from.

In regards to displaying UAT in this web interface:

The UAT receiver doesn’t need to run on the same RPi / computer.

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