dump1090 itself doesn’t maintain a daily count of unique ICAOs or airlines but if you are prepared to monitor at least once every 5 mins you could read data/aircraft.json and maintain your own data from that.
The current format (slightly updated from the last release) looks like this, which should be mostly self-explanatory I hope.
It contains all aircraft that dump1090 knows about at the time of the request. Aircraft are removed after 5 mins of no messages.
{ "now" : 1422010548,
"messages" : 15214,
"aircraft" :
{"hex":"43c1b6","flight":"LOS11 ","messages":2,"seen":7,"rssi":-24.1},
{"hex":"ab15c2","flight":"DAL125 ","altitude":17625,"vert_rate":1600,"track":251,"speed":397,"messages":26,"seen":1,"rssi":-27.5},
// ... lots more
Most fields should be selfexplanatory, except: “now” is seconds-since-Jan-1-1970 when the JSON was generated; “seen” is the number of seconds before “now” when a message was last seen; “seen_pos” is the number of seconds before “now” when the position fields were last updated; “rssi” is received signal strength of recent messages in dBFS.
In the next release there will also be data/stats.json which has all of the reported stats from dump1090 in json form, also with last 1/5/15 min aggregation (and, uh, not very many newlines):
All these files are available from either the internal webserver on port 8080 (e.g. localhost:8080/data/aircraft.json) or as a file in the directory specified by the --write-json command line arg.