Super Bowl

Pittsburgh Steelers:USA9098-Outbound
Pittsburgh Steelers:USA9099-Inbound
Cardinals - NW 9964/9965

Actually, the Steelers are AWE9098 for all flights. The Cardinals use NWA9962.

Is it just me that sees something wrong with this? Cardinals fly NWA/DAL to the Super Bowl, while USA, based in the same town as the team, has an A319 decked out in their team’s livery?

That’s just wrong. :laughing:


I thought that too. I always thought the Steelers, Eagles, Panthers, and Cardinals used US as their charter since they have an aircraft painted in team livery.

The Eagles flew DL three times this season and last weekend took a NW 333. For the 2006 Super Bowl, the Steelers stayed on the 752 to DTW, we’ll see what they do this time but think they will step up to something bigger.

Those are the simply cities where US has a strong presence.

Could be that Delta gave them the better deal. After all, you got cut corners some place to give these overpaid players their money.

Then they should repaint the Steeler’s plane since they have all but abandoned here.

yea but could AWE compete on the charter$$$

Why did america west take the us airways name after the merge?? I havent been on flight aware for very long.

America West bought US Airways, but US Airways is known more worldwide than America West, and has been around a lot longer (AWE was founded in 1981; USA, while starting to use that name in 1979, started back in the 1940s. When you think about it, AWE only served one non-N. American country when it was running.

For more details, have a look here.


thanks now i know

Both teams leaving Monday for Tampa.
Wish US had a 330 to spare for the Steelers but kinda doubt it.

I would be fun to go out to the airports in tampa, and take a look at all the bizjets coming in for the big game. Imagine you would probably see everything in production today, and many that arent.

will anyone use one of northwest’s 747-200’s preferably the one with bowling shoe livery? :wink: :wink:

Team Charters

Monday, 1/26
NW 9962
Dep PHX: 09:00
Arr TPA: 14:45
Equip: A333

Monday, 1/26
US 9098
Dep PIT: 0830
Arr TPA: 10:55
Equip: ?

That would be N623US. None of the teams will use it but it is still possible that there could be fan,
family or management charters that will use it later in the week.

I heard the Steelers are using a total of 3 aircraft for the team, families, employees ect. I don’t know if all 3 will leave with the team tomorrow morning. I will update when I find out.

So far just a 752 enroute to PIT on a ferry flight for tomorrow morning’s charter: … /KCLT/KPIT

Cardinal’s 333 ferry flight for the 9am departure. … /KDTW/KPHX

I guess the Steelers will use the 752 again just like they did in 2006.

Steelers just took off, B752 … /KPIT/KTPA

Cardinals due out shortly, A333 … /KPHX/KTPA