Spare FA 978 dual band antenna, Anyone?

Any chance someone on here has one of Flightaware’s discontinued dual 978/1090 antennas and they’re interested in selling it?

I’m installing dual receiver systems at two different airports in the area. Both receivers will be picking up both 1090 and 978 traffic. I have one of the dual antennas which I will be providing to KHBI, but I still need a second antenna for 978 at KSCR. I have two of FA’s 1090 antennas ready for their respective airports. Just need that second 978 antenna. A DPD antenna is too much $, and I would prefer not going the DIY route.

(For those who are not aware, Flightaware briefly sold a dual band antenna for 978 mhz and 1090 mhz. Much taller at 49 inches. You can see the Amazon page at: ).

Since you are doing this installation for airports, I assume it is a professional installation. I would think that $$ is not that tight, especially when is only about $150: … #978adsout

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Thanks for the feedback. I’ll await your donation in my Paypal! FA was kind enough to provide the 1090 antennas. Everything else is out of my pocket.

On topic, if anyone has the FA 978 antenna and wishes to sell it, please let me know.

Do they have to donate too in you PayPal account?
Rude, ignoring…

No, as I said, I’m paying for it out of my pocket. I’m not sure I’m the rude one considering you didn’t even bother read what I posted (twice now!). I already stated the DPD antenna is out of my price range. Thanks for the feedback and I welcome you ignoring my posts. Please.

On topic, if anyone has the FA 978 antenna and wishes to sell it, please let me know. Thanks.